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After another amazing week with Charles it's time for me to fly home again, I can safely say that leaving him is one my least favourite things to do. After days of insisting I've managed to convince Charles to let me get a normal flight home instead of a private plane, not that he was thrilled about the idea. We spent a lot of our time exploring, we visited places Charles hadn't even been to before even though he's had his house there for a while now. We found some amazing restaurants and coffee places, two things we both love. But most importantly we enjoyed each other in every way, I feel so connected to him. Going home without him is going to hurt but we've made plans for me to fly out and meet him back in Italy for the second back from the summer break in a couple of weeks time. We also discussed how we're going to go public about our relationship, after talking with Aspen she suggested we do something called a 'soft launch', she said it's dropping hints on social media by posting photos and stuff, it kind of went over my head but Charles was happy with the idea.

"I don't want you to go mon amour." Charles hands wrapped around my shoulders holding me against him tightly, his head resting on the top of mine as my face is buried into his chest and my arms around his waist as we stand outside . "I don't want to either, but I have to." He huffs, I slowly try to pull away but he doesn't want to let me go. "Charles I have to, I'm going to miss my flight." He huffs again as he releases me from his grasp, "I should have never let you get out of the car." He smirks at me, "Maybe you shouldn't have." I wink. I hear over the speakers the call for my flight, he looks up at the speaker and pulls an angry face, I reach up to his face with my hand and pull it down to look back at me and kiss him, his face softens as I do, our tongues dancing between our mouths. I pull away, "I'll see you soon" I say to him. He leaves one more kiss on my cheek before I start to move away from him, "Not soon enough." His hand reaches out still holding mine until our fingertips slip out of each others, I turn and start walking towards the crowds of people heading through security. I reach the line and turn back to see Charles with his phone raised looking like he's taking a photo, he looks up from his phone and fumbles to put it away, almost dropping it in the process. He waves at me and blows me a kiss, I do the same.

I walk down the aisle carefully looking at the seat numbers trying to find my row, 18A, this is where I'll be for the next 2 hours or so. I strain lifting my bag into the overhead compartment, raising onto my tip toes to push it fully in, once it's in I slide over to the window seat and sit myself down letting out a big sigh. I look out of the window, the runway in the distance, wishing that I didn't have to leave, that I didn't have to leave Charles. I pull myself out of the day dream and the seats have filled up, the cabin crew are doing their safety demonstration and the plane has started to move towards the runway. As soon as we're up in the air my eyelids get heavy and I drift off.

I text Charles to let him know I've landed safely, he made sure I had to tell him so he wouldn't worry about me. The long walk from the plane through the airport is making me think that this is something I'm going to be doing more often, missing home but missing Charles even more. Once I'm through passport control and heading out towards the exit I'm staring at my phone waiting for a response from Charles, occasionally glancing up to avoid the crowds, on a quick glance up before taking the turn towards the train station I see Elle and Aspen. "What? What are you doing here?!" I stutter in disbelief. "To surprise you duh!" Aspen throws her arms around me and brings me in for a hug, "We thought you'd want some familiar faces!" Grace says as she's embraces me too. "You're the best, let's get back I want to see Echo!" I can't contain my excitement to see her.  "He posted you again!" Aspen shoves her phone in my face, Charles' Instagram story is already loaded, it's a photo of me waiting in line at security captioned 'Not soon enough'  the smile on my face grows, I guess this is the soft launch.

We get back to our apartment and I'm greeted by the excited tip tapping feet of Echo as she bounds up to me I drop to my knees to give her the biggest fuss. As much as I hate leave Charles, coming home to Echo makes it feel that bit easier. After a few minutes of playing with Echo we all make our way and get comfortable on the sofa, I snuggle myself under a blanket as Aspen hands me a glass of wine and we chat about my trip. Of course they want every detail about Charles and I can't help but hold my necklace as I talk about him, I haven't taken it off since he put it on me. They also ask me about work, telling me how the trailer has got big hits over here and it's building up a lot of hype while I've been away. It makes me happy knowing that I'm building my career, I've notice an growth on social media which is a little crazy, I've gone from a small following and it's constantly growing.

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