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"You gotta get up" I laugh as I nudge Charles for the 4th time in the last half hour, the only responses I've got are groans. The hangover must have really hit him and for once I was the one feeling fine. He rolls over and peeks out of one eye, I smile smugly from the edge of the bed, I'm already dressed and ready to go. I've put on the white bikini he bought me back in Monaco with my denim shorts over and a loose white shirt which is slightly see through. My hair wrapped up in a messy bun and sunglasses resting on my head. "You're going to miss breakfast, we need to leave in 10 minutes." I warn him as I plant a kiss on his forehead.

I sit on the deck outside waiting for Charles to get out of the shower. I'm scrolling on Instagram after seeing both Lando and Daniel have uploaded photos from last night to their .jpg accounts, some arty shots of the fire, beer bottles buried in the sand, a really cute photo of us girls ugly laughing together and the last one of Lando's, is Charles and I hand in hand dancing.

jpg accounts, some arty shots of the fire, beer bottles buried in the sand, a really cute photo of us girls ugly laughing together and the last one of Lando's, is Charles and I hand in hand dancing

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My phone chimes as a text from an unknown number appears at the top of my screen.

Unknown Number - 1 New Message

Unknown Number

-That should be me.

What the fuck. I stare at the screen, it's a number I don't recognise. Who could it be? Is it Bradley or a jealous fan? I heard the shower turn off and the bathroom door open so I quickly lock my phone and jump up. "Everything okay?" Charles says as he dries his hair with a towel. I put a smile on my face to hide my panic, "Yeah of course. Hurry up though we need to leave, they're all going to be waiting for us." I pick up my bag and put my phone inside to try forget about whatever the hell that text was.

We finally get to the cafe where everyone is waiting for us, we're only a few minutes late as Charles was dragging his feet on the walk over. The hangover didn't shift as much as he'd like in the shower. "Oh mate, you've looked better!" Daniel beams up as we arrive at the table. Edward and Jason have taken up a table a little further away, and nod towards me as we take our seats. Charles gives Daniel a friendly nudge and we all laugh at the memory of last night. We all order coffees and an assortment of pastries to share, I can feel the slight hangover I have starting to fade away not that I can say the same for Charles. His hand is on my thigh, his sunglasses remain on his face and I see down the side of the them that he's definitely struggling to keep it together, he's only managed a few sips of his coffee and maybe a mouthful of a croissant.

I've tuned out the conversation, my mind is so preoccupied with that goddamn text. I cannot wrap my head around who it could be, when I broke up with Bradley I changed my number and blocked his and all his socials. Luckily neither Lando or Daniel had tagged where in the world we are so to anyone we could be anywhere, I think I'll bring it up with Jason and Edward later, but how do I tell Charles?

"Earth to Nova!" Carmen's laugh pulls me back to the conversation, I blink a couple of times and remember where I am. "Girls shopping trip, you wanna come?" I shoot a look to Charles, he smirks knowing that shopping really isn't my favourite thing but I put on a smile and nod, I'm not going to miss out on quality time with these girls.

Intertwined | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now