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I step out of the shower and grab a towel from the rail and wrap it around myself. I wipe the steam covering the mirror so I can see myself as I grab a second towel to start drying my hair. The door behind me opens and Charles walks in, he kisses my neck, "You smell incredible" he says between kisses. "Stop distracting me, we'll never get out of here if you don't stop." I giggle at him, the kisses tickling my neck. "Ugh fine, I just can't help myself." He turns the shower on and lifts his shirt over his head, I stop drying my hair to admire him undressing. I manage to shake myself out of the trance he has me in and walk into the bedroom, I pick up the hair dryer that Charles has left on the bed for me and go to dry my hair.

"Hurry we're going to be late!" Charles calls from the bedroom, I've just slipped into my dress and I'm fastening the strap of my black heels. I take one more look at myself in the mirror to make sure my hair and makeup looks perfect. I've opted for a sultry brown eye look with a nude lipstick and my hair is in loose waves tucked over my ear on one side. I walk out into the bedroom and Charles has one leg up on the bed, tying his shoelace on his black dress shoes, they match the black trousers and blazer he's got on, the top two buttons of his white shirt undone. He looks up his brow at me, "You look stunning, better than the first time I saw you in that dress." He licks his lips as he finishes tying his lace, his compliments always make me blush. We walk down the stairs hand in hand as the echoes of my heels hitting the tiles fill the entrance, he opens the front doors and the cooler air blows in. I feel my nipples harden as it does, I start to become conscious that I've nothing on underneath.

We arrive at the restaurant, it's a high end fine dining place, definitely not something I'm used to. As we walk in through the doors we are greeted by a waiter dressed in all white with a black apron, Charles gives his name and we are shown to our table. The place is intimate and dimly lit, the walls filled with stone and beautifully decorated tiles. The waiter speaks to Charles in Italian, I don't understand a word they are saying but he returns quickly with a bottle of white wine. He shows us both and Charles nods and he fills each of our glasses and places the bottle on the table. I pick up my menu and make my best attempt at interpreting what each dish is, thankfully Charles talks me through the menu and helps me decide. I decide on a fillet steak and the mushroom ravioli. The waiter comes back to the table to take our order, I let Charles know what I want so he can order for me. I take a sip of my wine, it's easily the best white wine I've ever had, so fresh and light.

Our food arrives at the table, Charles also got the fillet but he chose a risotto to have with his. We start eating and this is the most incredible meal of my life, the meat is so tender it's melting in my mouth and the ravioli is so creamy. Charles refills both of our glasses, I notice he's topped up mine much more than his. "Are you trying to get me drunk Mr. Leclerc?" I joke with him. "Not at all Miss Winters, but I intend on driving us home tonight. How are you feeling?" He looks down, hinting at the fact I've nothing but this dress on. "Absolutely fine, the food's delicious." I steer the conversation. "That it is." He smirks.

We finish our food and Charles pays the bill even though I offer to but he refuses to let me. We walk out into the street, "Can we have one more drink?" I turn to him and point at a bar across the street. "One drink, I'm driving remember." I hold one finger up and grab his hand and drag him across the street, he rolls his eyes and laughs. We walk into the bar and it's packed, I worm our way through to the bar and order us both a glass of wine. Before Charles can even get his wallet out I pay for the drinks and spin around to hand him his glass. He looks at me, slightly mad that I paid but takes the glass from my hand and drinks. He grabs my hand and leads me to a table where we manage to squeeze on the end of a seat running the length of the wall. I'm half sat on his knee as it's so crowded, I start to drink and can feel my face flushing not knowing if it's the alcohol or how close we are. He runs his empty hand on my knee and up my thigh, my dress has ridden up when I sat down and I feel almost exposed. I can't say a word to him, he has me in a spell. His hand continues up my leg gripping slightly as he goes, I almost choke on my drink. I'm looking around to see if anyone has noticed what he's doing, he notices "No-one can see." He whispers in my ear. His hand goes up further, "I'm glad to see you didn't disappoint me." My whole body is now flushing his fingers and dancing over my pussy. He's obviously enjoying this, I can feel myself getting wetter and I'm struggling to hide what he's doing to me. I shift and cross my leg over the top of my other and chug the rest of my drink. I let out a big breath, "Let's get out of here." I say as I almost slam my glass onto the table. "But I'm enjoying myself." He smirks at me, "Please." I beg him, I can't take much more of this I just want him to take me. "Seen as you asked so nicely, let's go." He slides his half empty glass onto the table and stands up, offering his hand to help me, I take it, my legs shaking making it hard to walk.

He opens the passenger door and helps me into the seat and closes the door. He gets into the driver's seat, "You don't know what you do to me." I fold my arms and pout at him. "I think I do." He smiles at me as he starts up the car and sets off. My heart is still racing, my breathing heavy, he reaches over and I expect his hand to be on my thigh but instead he pushes my dress up to my hips. "Charles..." I whisper. "I can pull over?" "No, just take me back. Quickly." He looks over at me smirking, his hand leaves my leg and it grips the steering wheel, "You asked for it." He pushes down on the accelerator which throws me back in the seat and I let out a small screech. We're speeding along the roads and my hand has gone white from gripping the seat so hard, he's handling the corners with ease and I've forgotten this is what he does for a living. Before I know it we're at the entrance to his house.

"Get in the house." Charles demands as he opens my door for me. I hop out of the car and giggle as I run towards the front door, I can hear his footsteps behind me on the gravel. The door slams behind us, I'm leaning against the bannister desperately trying to undo the straps of my heels at the bottom of the stairs. "Here let me help." I sit myself on the stairs and raise my foot to him, he kneels on the floor and undoes the straps with ease. He slides off my heels and tosses them to one side, still holding my leg. He starts to kiss my thigh, sending electricity coursing through my body.

Our heavy breathing almost in sync, the sheets ruffled beneath us, my head laid on his chest. He sits up, running his head throughhis slightly sweaty hair, "Will you? Be mine?" He looks at me with worry in his eyes. "Charles, I..." before I can finish he cuts me off, "Before you say anything, I know we haven't known each other very long but I'm really falling for you Nova. I want nothing more than to make you my girlfriend and be able to call you mine." "Charles. I'm yours." The relief washes over his face as he bends his neck to kiss me, "And I am yours."

Intertwined | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now