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We finally get into our hotel room in Qatar, it's late Wednesday evening. We spent what little time we had in Monaco just relaxing so Charles could be ready for this weekend. We took his yacht out and enjoyed a day on the water, just like we had on my first trip to Monaco. I spoke with my parents and organised for them to gather up some of my things to have sent to Charles' house, our house. They were understanding of why I couldn't be at home and they're really happy that Charles and I have taken a step in our relationship, although they did seem to be worried that I might be moving too fast. I assured them that it might be fast but I'm the happiest I've ever been and Charles really cares and wants to keep me safe. I finally convinced them that it's the best thing for me and they're going to go to my house and ship some of my things to Monaco for me.

We both slept like babies last night, we woke up to a very early alarm and got ready to head to the track for media day. Charles had a call in the car on the way there from his media manager briefing him that he is going to be asked about the premier and the incident seen as it's been all over social media but to try to steer all the questions away from that and back to racing. I know he hates media day but it gives me time to explore the paddock a little more and I get to see some of the other girlfriends who I've gotten to know a little better over the past few weeks, it's nice to have people around who understand what it's like.

I catch up over a coffee with Carmen and Lily, some of the other girls haven't arrived yet or aren't able to make it this weekend but I'll see them in Austin in a couple of weeks. We have a really good girls chat about everything and anything, I've missed this. After what happened I've spoken a little with the girls back home but they've all been busy with work and other stuff and I don't want to feel like a burden to them. We finish up our coffees and part ways with a hug to go to the different hospitalities, I walk into Ferrari followed by Edward who has kept a respectful distance but close enough so he can see me. As I walk in I'm given the message to meet Charles in his driver room so I let Edward know to take a break here and I'll be fine.

I knock on the door and push the handle, "Hey only me." I announce as I walk in. Charles stands up from the chair he's got himself comfortable in and bring me in for a hug. "You ready to go? I'm all done for the day." "Oh that was fast, I thought you'd need to be here longer." I smile. "Yeah I got everything I need to do done already, I did the drivers conference and then had to film some social media stuff with Carlos but we got finished early so I'm all yours." He picks up his bag and wraps his arm around me and we make our way back to the hotel.

Friday and Saturday come and go so quickly, Charles struggled in free practice but really brought the car alive for qualifying and managed to get a front row just behind Max who starts first. I find my way into the garage and find a seat where I'm passed a set of headphones. Charles makes his way to the car as he's zipping up his race suit, he gives me a quick kiss just before putting his helmet on and hops into the car. Before long he's out of the garage and onto the track. I keep myself locked on the screen ready for lights out.

The race starts and you can see Charles is really pushing, he's keeping pace with Max and considering all the problems he had earlier in the weekend you wouldn't have thought it now. He's gained a gap to Carlos who started P5 but has managed to overtake Lewis and Lando to get to P3 but he'll struggle to catch up with Max and Charles who are having a real battle. I wince every time they overtake each other, it's two or three times a lap at this point and the race is practically focused on the two of them fighting for first. They are side by side coming into the last corner towards the chequered flag and by a thread Charles manages to gain an advantage and push so he crosses the line first by a margin. The whole garage roars as we hear the confirmation to him on the radio "That's P1 Charles, mega drive mate." We all exchange hugs in the garage and run out towards the podium to celebrate having two Ferrari's up there.

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