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We finally broke the news and announced our relationship officially, we both posted on our socials, Charles posted a photo of us that we took in the hotel just before heading out to a dinner, I had on a gorgeous, tight back dress and he chose his outfit to match. I'm applying my lipstick in the mirror slightly in front of him whilst he's using the mirror to take the photo, he's captioned it 'Monza and @novawinters either way I won'. I decided to go with a photo of us that I took when we made a quick trip to Verona after his win in Monza, it's almost the opposite of Charles' post. We're both dressed in all white, Charles in a shirt and shorts, myself in a flowy dress and sandals, posed in front of the fountain where he gave me my necklace captioned 'Together is my new favourite place to be, Italy is pretty good too @charlesleclerc'. I watched my follower count rise from a couple of thousand to tens of thousands, I really am going to have to learn to deal with the popularity and fame that comes with being in this relationship. I really thought that this would come from my work instead of being Charles' girlfriend but I just hope that I'm recognised for my talent and hard work too.

The last few weeks have been like a fairy tale, I took Elle's advice and decided to travel with Charles to the next couple races. I got to see him take another win in Japan which made up for a not so good race in Singapore. Every time we stop so Charles can take photos with his fans I get recognised too, I like to stand back and give the fans their moment with him without intruding on that. But I have been asked a couple of times for photos too which honestly makes my heart so warm that despite all the backlash I see online, I am being accepted by his fans. I have always wanted to see the world and I'm getting to see it in a way I never thought I would. I was still able to do all my promo for my film, I dialled into radio shows, took video interviews and even filmed some social media content from wherever I was in the world. It gave me the time to heal fully and be able to enjoy every moment with Charles.

"I'll get it!" Charles shouts from the other room, the continuous knocking of multiple hands pounding on the door. I smile to myself in the mirror as I'm fixing my earrings into place. Voices flood into the room as he opens the door, "Uh can someone come zip me up?" I shout back, Aspen's face appears around the doorframe, "Holy shit! I know you said the dress was nice but wow!" She reaches and grabs the zipper as I hold the bust of the dress tight to my body. I chuckle, as she spins me around, the floor length off the shoulder black gown with golden accents floats around my legs as I do. "We're going to be late! The cars are outside!" Elle shouts from the main bedroom, it's like I can hear her eyes rolling from here.

We all make our way outside through the growing crowd that's lingering outside the front doors of the hotel. We split and make our way into the two cars, Charles, Elle, Grace and I get into the front car, Ruby, Aspen and Pierre head into the second car. I'm still surprised that Aspen and Pierre are seeing each other, Aspen always wanted to focus on a career and travel but now that travel means seeing Pierre. Tonight's the night and my stomach is doing somersaults, tonight I finally get to share my hard work with the world and most importantly the closest to me. London looks so beautiful once the sun sets and the lights from the billboards illuminate the streets. Charles squeezes my hand as we pull up at the make shift gates near the theatre. I can see a crowd formed around barriers just a bit further ahead, our door is opened for us and Elle and Grace slide out in front of us. Charles steps out and reaches his hand out to help me out of the car, the slit in my dress exposing my leg as I grab hold of his hand and he pulls me out. He doesn't let go of my hand but shifts it to interlock his fingers with mine. "You ready, mon amour?" I smile, "Let's do it."

Once we've been ushered onto the red carpet towards the crowds and flashes of cameras, I'm almost used to them now, Charles removes his hand from mine and places it into the small of my back pushing me into place and turning me to face the cameras. The backdrop behind us is cluttered with the name "Escape" and I watch as some of the industry's finest walk around us, taking photos and interviews. I notice every time I speak to someone or a fan asks for a photo he stands back and lets me have my moment just like I do for him. Of course Charles was recognised and so was Pierre, except this seems to come more naturally to them.

Intertwined | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now