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The light from outside is escaping the curtains into a now familiar bedroom, Charles still softly asleep next to me. I lay watching his chest rise with every breath he's taking and smile to myself. I wonder for a moment what I'm going to tell the girls, that's I'm abandoning our trip to spend time with someone I've just met and he thinks that meeting was fate. I'm sure they'll understand. Charles rolls his head towards me, his eyes starting to open, "Good morning" I whisper to him. "Good morning, you look so beautiful" His eyes glisten as he looks at me. "Shall we just stay in bed all day so I can just look at you?" He smiles. I laugh, I could happily stay in bed all day with him. "As much as I wish I could, I think I could do with a fresh set of clothes." I sigh.

We pull into the driveway of the hotel, Charles leans over and plants a huge kiss on my lips. "I'll see you tonight?" He asks. He's invited all five of us to a club with his friends tonight before some of them head home to enjoy the rest of their break. "Definitely, but what are you going to tell your friends? I invited the girl who almost face planted in front of us the other night" I thought I'd never see them again, let alone have to meet them. "Don't worry about what they think, I want you there. I need to go take care of a few things but I'll pick you up at 7pm." "No it's okay we'll meet you there, not like all us will squeeze into this." I say as I step out of his car. "Good point, I'll see you tonight." I blow him a kiss as I walk into the lobby. The girls are going to love this.

After my shower I open up my phone.

✨️ Monahoesss ✨️


-Where are you guys? Come to my room I have plans for tonight for us all.

Ruby, Grace, Elle and Aspen get to my room just a few minutes later and I tell them about the boat trip and ending up going back to Charles' house. "You only kissed?! C'mon girl he told you he really likes you, you really like him, what are you waiting for?" Aspen is as outspoken as ever. "I don't want to rush, I've only known him for 3 days! Anyway, we're all going out tonight. Charles is meeting a few of his friends at a club and he's invited us all." "So we have to look hot for the fancy racing drivers friends?" Ruby chimes in. We all start laughing and move on to talking about what we're all going to wear, what time we should start getting ready.

6.30pm rolls around and we're all almost ready, Grace has decided on a short pink bodycon dress, it hugs her figure perfectly. Ruby in a long, off the shoulder black dress with a slit up to her thigh, Aspen in a mid length, flowing floral print dress and Elle in a royal blue jumpsuit. The only problem is I can't decide, I'm holding up two options, a black floor length, halter neck dress or a lavender mini dress. "No, neither of these are right! I just want to look good." I just want to look good for him. Aspen jumps up off the bed and runs out of the room, "I've got the perfect thing!" My style doesn't match Aspen's but her fashion sense is second to none. I'll give her that. She burst back into the room clutching a red dress. "This, you should wear this." She hands me the dress, I begrudgingly try it on, okay maybe she's right. The dress exposes all my back and clings into my hips, ending in the middle of my thighs and the plunging neckline definitely accentuates my fuller chest. Aspen gasps "Yeah you're keeping that!"

We walk into the club, Aspen linking her arm with mine. The place is empty except for a table we walk past with two girls sitting at and another table with a group of guys. Confused, I look for Charles, he said to be here for 7.30pm and it's already nearly 8. We decided to walk from our hotel as it was close enough by instead of getting a taxi but five girls in heels took longer than expected. "Nova!" I hear Charles, dressed in a black shirt and white trousers, a belt just peeking out from under his shirt, as he runs down a small flight of stairs from a platform where I can see a big booth with five other guys sitting down looking in our direction. "Sorry we're late, we walked." I explain, "It's okay, we're just up here." We walk up the stairs and Charles goes around the table introducing us all, "This is Carlos, Lando, Max, Pierre and George and this is Aspen, Grace, Elle and Ruby." We all sit down making the big booth crowded as we all squeeze in.

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