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The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up, confused I lean over to grab it, on the screen 7.04am Incoming Call - Aspen. Shit, I slept through my alarm. "Hey girl! Just checking you're up!" Aspen is way too energetic for this time in the morning. "Hey, yeah I'm up, I'm up. I'll be down for breakfast. "See you there!" Aspen ends the call. I am there for a moment, wishing myself to get out of bed. These sheets are just too comfy for me to jump up out of bed. Once again, Charles enters my thoughts, I better text him.



-Good morning. Thank you again for last night, I had the best time.

Almost instantly, he replies.



-Good morning, Nova. Don't thank me, I should be the one thanking you. Did you sleep well?


-I did, I haven't slept that well in a long time. I hope I haven't woken you up?


-Not at all, I'm just heading out for a run. What are your plans today?


-Oh enjoy your run! I'm not sure yet. We're heading down for breakfast soon, but I'm not sure yet. What about you? Are you doing anything?


-No I've nothing to do today. If you want I could pick you up and you could fulfil our deal?


-Of course! I mean, as long as you're sure you want to see me again?

-I'll have to check with the girls, but if they can entertain themselves for the day, I'd love to.


- How could I not want to see you again? And I'm sure 4 girls can entertain themselves in Monte Carlo quite easily.


-I'm sure they can.


-It's a date. I'll pick you up at 9.30am unless you tell me otherwise?


-Perfect! Enjoy your run x


-Enjoy your breakfast x

He wants to see me again and so soon, I really didn't think this holiday would go this way. I really hope the girls don't mind me abandoning them for Charles, but they did book me a room to myself 'just incase' so they must have had ideas of getting me to meet someone. But I know their idea would have been me drunkenly taking someone back and breaking my dry spell from men.

I pull out my chair and join them at the table for breakfast, coffee already on the table, so I pour myself a cup. "Girls, I have to ask you something, but you can say no if you don't want me to!" I feel so bad asking them. "When's he picking you up?" Ruby rolls her eyes and laughs. "9.30? Are you sure you don't mind? This is meant to be a girls' trip, and I'm leaving you for a guy!" "Uh, not just any guy, like the hottest, cutest, mystery man! You're going, and that's final." Aspen clearly is just as excited by me seeing him again as I am. "We brought you here to cheer you up, and it seems like he's doing just that," Grace chimes in. "Okay, I get it. You're all okay with it!"

Intertwined | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now