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"So you're not coming?" The frown on Charles' face tugs at my heart strings, I hate to feel like I'm disappointing him. "No, I'm sorry but I have some things I need to sort out." "And you're sure they can't be done over the phone?" I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. "I've told you it will be easier in person, we've been through this. It's only a couple of weeks then I'll fly back and meet you in Vegas." My voice felt like a broken record, we had been through this, multiple times. I decided to rent out my little cottage, it seemed pointless for it to sit there empty whilst I wasn't in the country so it needed to be ready. I had contractors coming in to get the place up to scratch. I took the chance to plan a couple of work meetings whilst I was there too, I couldn't free ride off Charles forever.

He nestles his head into me, his arms pulling me closer, "I don't like the idea of it." He sighs, I can feel how anxious he is. "I'll be fine, I have Eddie and I'll get to see the girls, my parents. I need to do this." His eyes close, his lips part like he wants to continue protesting the subject but stops himself. "I'll miss you." I whisper. "Not as much as I'll miss you."

The raindrops trail down the window of the plane, obscuring the lights of the city. I forgot just how beautiful London can look at night. The chill hits me the second I step off the plane, I really hadn't prepared myself for the cold, English weather. 11:15pm my phone illuminates as I turn it back on whilst queuing to show my passport, my muscles aching even though all I've done is sit for hours and hours. Seeing as the flight got in so late I decided to book a hotel near the airport instead of attempting to drive up to the quiet of the country or disturbing the girls in the early hours to let me stay with them even though they did offer. Except this felt different, it felt empty.

I felt drowned in the king sized bed, the empty space next to me felt too big. I hadn't realised how accustomed I'd become to having Charles sleep next to me every night. The room was too quiet, instead of listening to Charles mumble songs as he scrolled through his phone, or hearing him talk to his family on the phone, even if I didn't understand what he was saying I missed it.



-Hey, I'm in the hotel now. I miss you.


-I miss you too. How was the flight?


-Long. I'm so tired but I can't sleep.


-Jet lag will do that to you, get used to it.


-I don't think I ever will. I wish you were here.


-Only 2 weeks to go. I've got a surprise for you when you get to Vegas.


-What is it?


-Well if I tell you it won't be a surprise.


-Can I have a clue?


-Oh look at that, my plane's boarding now, guess you'll just have to wait.


-I hate you.

-Fly safe


-I love you too.

The house was almost just as I'd left it, except it was now missing all of my belongings, of course they're now all boxed up sitting in Monaco waiting for me or in my parents garage. The basics remained, I'd put the place up cheaper than what I could have charged and I'd offered to have it furnished so I could give the opportunity to let someone who needed it have somewhere to live. A nice young family would be moving in, the emails back and forth we'd shared were full of appreciation that they could afford a nice home in a quiet area to raise their toddler. That's what this place needed, life and happiness.

Intertwined | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now