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The familiar headache is there again, thank you tequila. I breathe out as I slowly open my eyes. I look over at a sleeping Charles, he looks so peaceful. He's on his side, one of his arms is draped over my stomach while one of his legs is tangled in the sheets. I close my eyes again, I'm cherishing this moment for as long as possible.

Charles moving wakes me again, I must have fallen back to sleep, he's stroking the hair on the top of my head. "Bad dream?" He asks with a look of concern on his face. "Huh?" I manage to mumble, I don't remember having a bad dream? "Your face was all like this," he scrunches his nose and frowns, "and you kept saying no I don't want to go." As he says it, I remember I was dreaming about going home. We were at the airport and Charles was saying goodbye to me, it felt so real. It felt like I would never see him again. But it's true, because I don't want to go home. I wish I could stay here with Charles forever, in our perfect little bubble of happiness. "I uh, I dreamt about going home." He frowned and stopped stroking my hair but raising his arm and allowing me to lay my head on his chest. "I don't want you to either." I feel a tear roll down my cheek. It leaves my face and drops onto his chest, "Mon amour, don't cry. We still have three days before then. And home doesn't mean the end, it just means we have to wait till next time." "Next time?" I can't hold back the sniffling. "The next time we see each other." He softly kissed the top of my head.

My phone chimes next to me, Charles reaches over behind me and collects it from the night stand. It lights up as he lifts it up, "Monahoesss?" He raises his eyebrow. "Aspen's idea, I haven't got an ounce of hoe in me" I roll my eyes and laugh. "Your outfit last night could have fooled me" He winks. That's when I notice I'm still in my underwear. "We didn't, um..." I struggle to get my question out. "No, we didn't." He laughs. "As much as I would have loved to, I doubt either of us wanted to be that drunk." Thank god. I definitely didn't want to be drunk for the first time we did more than kiss, I want to be able to remember that moment for the rest of my life and it not be fuzzy and alcohol induced. "Okay good. You're right. Plus I don't give myself up that easy Mr Leclerc." I tease. "So I'm Mr Leclerc now?" "You can be anything you want to be." "Mr Leclerc is good... for now." He smiles devilishly.

I unlock my phone to check the messages. 10.12am 7 New Messages - ✨️ Monahoesss ✨️

✨️ Monahoesss ✨️


-Anyone alive?





-You missed breakfast


-Oh I had breakfast. Twice. 😎

Of course, Aspen and Pierre. Well she did ask Charles if he had any single friends, I guess she found one. She's never short of male attention but it takes a lot for her to let anyone get past flirting and a few drinks so she must really like him. That or the tequila made her.

✨️ Monahoesss ✨️


-Hey, we're awake. I don't think I could stomach breakfast. Where is everyone?


-FINALLY! We're at the pool, Lando, Max, Carlos and George said they'll join us. Are you coming?


-I'll ask Charles


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