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It was touchdown in Austin, we'd dumped our things in the hotel room and had made our way to the track. It was already gearing up to be a scorching hot day and I was looking forward to topping up the tan on top of my already golden Bahama glow.

Charles was off with the media team, he and Carlos had to film some content for social media now they were back from a week off it was all about getting the fans excited for race week. I'd found a nice shady spot just outside the Ferrari hospitality to enjoy an iced coffee, I couldn't go without it but there's not a chance I could cope with a hot drink on a day like today. I was silently reminiscing about the last week, wishing I could be back on that beach half drunk with the sand between my toes, the crackle of the fire, without a care in the world when my daydream was broken by what could only sound like a banshee screeching from behind me. I turned around along with half the paddock and it felt like the air had been knocked out of my lungs, running towards me was a flash of blonde.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?!" I screamed back as I lunged past the tables to run and embrace Aspen. "Surprise! I was working out here, I got a huge offer and well I kinda have a couple contacts in the paddock." She winks as she pulls out of the hug, her hands still gripped on my shoulders. Pierre is slowly walking up behind her, I'm not sure if he's just embarrassed to be seen with the two screaming girls or not. I shoot her a look to let her know we're talking about this later.

"I'm sorry I tried to stop her!" Pierre laughed, rearranging the hat on his head. The paddock had returned to normal and we were no longer being stared at like a zoo exhibit. I really couldn't believe my eyes, one of my best friends here in Austin with me, as much as I loved my new found friendship in the drivers and their girlfriends there's just nothing quite the same as someone you've known nearly all your life. "I really can't believe you're here! We have to go out tonight for dinner!" My excitement pours out of me but is quickly stubbed out as her eyes flick to Pierre before landing back on mine, "I kinda already have plans, believe me I wish I could-" She knows I'm disappointed but I give her another look, we're definitely talking about this later.

I knew she'd been cooking up some amazing things recently with her work, she only ever goes quiet when something big is coming, she really is the calm before the storm, still and peaceful before chaos ensues. But as proud of her as I am and I want to hear everything about the new offer, I want to hear what's really going on, what I know she has going on with Pierre.

After chatting to Aspen and Pierre, well I say both of them, it was more me and Aspen doing all the talking while Pierre looked like he was watching a tennis match, his head bouncing between us, I waited for Charles to finish up for the day so we can head back to the hotel.

He finally joins us, leaning over the railing, he plants a soft kiss on the top of my head whilst grinning ear to ear. "You knew?" He laughs at me "Mon amour, you think he can keep his mouth shut?" Pierre gives him a soft punch on his arm as we all laugh, but Pierre's face drops quicker than a lead balloon. "Oh shit." He's no longer looking at Charles, he's looking past him. Our heads whip around in union to try see what he's seen, "What?" I question, I look up at Charles and all the colour has drained from his face like he's seen a ghost. My eyebrows furrow as I'm trying to understand what I'm meant to be seeing, "Let's go." Charles grabs my hand with a vice like grip, his body completely tensed up and he's made his way around the railing to my side and is trying to drag me inside whilst I'm quickly trying to grab my things.

"Charles! Charles!" A hear a voice from behind us, it's got to be a big fan who really just wants to meet him right? But judging by his reaction I'm guessing I'm wrong. "Charlie!" Charlie? The sound of heels tapping against the hot concrete building up pace till they're just behind us. "Charlie baby, how are you?" Baby? What the fuck is this. The voice has caught up to us and Charles' hand is on the door handle but we clearly didn't make it inside quick enough, he sighs as he admits defeat in outrunning whoever this is. His eyes roll as he turns around to face the stunning brunette who has caught up with us. "Ana." She pulls him into her for a hug, kissing his left and then his right cheek. His body, still tense but a flinch bounces around his body as her lips graze his cheeks. "I've missed you baby!" Her hands linger on his arms as she beams up at him. There it is again, baby. The silence from Charles is deafening, I'm so confused. He clearly knows this girl, Ana, but who the hell is she and why is she calling my boyfriend baby?

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