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I woke up, rolling over expecting to find Charles laid next to me but instead I just feel the empty sheets. I rub my eyes and realise how sore and puffy they are, we got back to the hotel and I must have only stopped crying when I fell asleep cradled in Charles' arms. Still slightly disoriented I look up to see Charles pacing the room on the phone, "Yes, at all times. No, I don't think he's harmless, he threatened her. I don't care what it costs, just make it happen. I've got to go, call me when they're here." He runs his hand through his hair, "Hey, mon amour. I'm here." He practically runs back to the bed, I reach out my hand and pull him into bed. "Can we stay in bed a bit longer?" I lean my head on his shoulder as he puts his arm around me. "We can stay here all day if it's what you want to do." I smile and close my eyes. "Coffee?" I nod.

I sit up in the bed as he passes me my cup, the heat almost burns my lips as I go to take a sip. He slides himself back into the bed, being careful not to spill his coffee as he does. "Thank you." I whisper. He says nothing but places his free hand on my thigh, giving it a little squeeze. "Who was on the phone?" "I was organising security for us, for you. I wasn't joking when I said I'd keep you safe." I can't help but smile yet the tears start filling my eyes, the familiar sting as they do. "Hey, don't be upset. I don't like the idea of it either but I want to make sure he can't get near you again." The tears start streaming down my face, I put down my coffee on the bedside table, "I don't know what I'd do without you. He could have..." "But he didn't. And he won't." He pulls me up so I'm in his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck and stare into those eyes, those eyes. My lips are so close to his, I can't help but kiss him. He seems taken aback before quickly kissing me back. We tangle quickly, one hand on my back and the other in my hair holding my head against his. He pulls back, "We don't have to, if you need time, I can wait." He looks at me. "Charles, I want you. I want you now."

"I needed that shower!" I laugh as I scrunch my hair in a towel, "I think this whole room needs a shower" He winks at me. We enjoyed an energetic "lazy" morning in bed, but I can't lay around in bed all day and wallow. Charles' phone rings and he answers it almost immediately, "Yes? Okay, thank you. We'll be down shortly. Thank you for making it happen so quickly. Yes, she's okay, thank you" He ends the calls and manages to get dressed so fast. "Let's go down to the lobby, our security is here. But let's pack first." He says as he pulls a hoodie over his head. "Pack?" I look at him confused. "I thought we should go to Monaco for a few days. Then we can fly from there to Qatar, you are coming right?" He holds my hands in his. "Of course I'm coming. I don't want to be anywhere else. Plus I think being out of London is a good idea right now." He pulls me at my waist and kisses me.

45 minutes later and we're down in the lobby with full cases and I've managed to make myself look less like I've cried enough for a lifetime. Two very tall, well built men approach us, one of them introduces themselves, "Mr Leclerc, Miss Winters. I'm Edward and this is Jason. We're your security, we will be with you around the clock. Just let us know if you need anything." "Thank you for coming on such short notice. We really appreciate it." Charles' shakes both of their hands. "Yes, thank you. If you need anything from us just ask." I smile as I also shake their hands. They both smile and nod, "Just to make you aware, there's a rather large crowd formed outside. But your car is ready to take you to the airport." Charles takes hold of my hand and they guide us out of the doors. We push our way through the crowd of cameras and phones being shoved in our faces, hearing the different shouts of questions about what happened last night. We manage to ignore it, giving a half smile and wave as we tumble into the back of the car.

I'll never get tired of seeing Monaco from above, it really is beautiful. I slowly move my head to look at Charles who fell asleep on my shoulder minutes after we took off. I give him a little nudge, "Hey, Char we're landing soon." I whisper "Huh?" I kiss the top of his head, he obviously didn't sleep the way I did last night. He scrunches his face, stretching out his arms in front of him. "Already? Did I sleep the whole flight?" I nod and giggle.

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