Six: Mash Off.

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With Puck, he was at his locker...

Puck's Voice-Over: "It's happened. The Lion King, Puckfasa, has been caged. I've been in love before, but this time it feels different. This time, it feels grown-up. Don't judge me. I'm 18. It's legal. Besides, the age difference isn't that crazy. I get that teacher-student relationships are tricky, but aren't all relationships? I'm willing to put in the work for this one. When she looks at me, I don't feel like a boy anymore. I feel like the man I've always wanted to be... a family man."

"Whoo!" Ashleigh shouted, wolf whistling at them loudly.

She joined in with the clapping.

"Wow! Puck, guys, spectacular. What a way to start off the week! You guys didn't even need an assignment to work on this. You just did it." Will said.

"Mr. Schuester, while the performance was excellent, particularly that dancer..." Ashleigh says, pointing her finger at Blaine. "Don't you think the subject matter is a little inappropriate?"

"Well, Ashleigh, that depends on Puck's intent when he chose this song." Will said.

Later, Will and Emma were watching Sue on TV...

"Burt Hummel... he's running for Congress. Last year, he had a heart attack. He might have had a heart transplant, and he might have gotten it from a baboon. Baboons are dangerous killers who throw their own feces when they're not tearing off people's faces or admiring their own weird butts. Congress is bad enough. If Burt Hummel thinks what Washington needs more baboon parts, then he needs a brain transplant. Watch out, baboons. Burt and his baboon heart... wrong on the issues, wrong for Ohio. I'm Sue Sylvester. I have a human heart, and I approve this mes..."

Will shuts the TV off.

"The man had angioplasty. She's telling lies! She's playing dirty, getting away with it."

"Will, breathe deep. Breathe deep, breathe deep. We have to play nice. Because if you win by fighting dirty, it's not really winning. That's what we teach our students, right?" She asked.

The next morning, Ashleigh storms into Sue's office and Blane leaned against the door frame...

"What you're doing is appalling! Do you know that 20% of the voters stupidly believe that Burt has a baboon heart?"

"It's not personal, tart. It's politics, and politics is all about playing dirty. You should know. Have a seat. You know why I fight dirty? I'm fighting for something. I have a cause... several, actually. I hate the arts... and a bunch of other stuff." Sue tells her.

"Let's just go, Ash." He muttered.

"You're unbelievable."

Ashleigh stood up, walking out and glaring at Sue.

Later, Will was sitting in the staffroom eating a cookie, seeing Shelby walking over...

"Hey, Shelby, what's up?"

"We haven't talked since Mercedes, Santana, and Brittany left New Directions. I hope you know I kept my word." She says, sitting down at the table with him.

"I know. You didn't recruit anyone. It was... it was me. They left because of me."

"No, no, no. It's not your fault. They're talented. They just want a chance to take center stage during their senior year. Did you get your letter today?" She asked.

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