Eleven: Michael.

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With Santana, Blaine, Ashleigh, Brittany, and Mercedes...

"Admit it, the New Directions beat the Troubletones at sectionals... because that pervy clown judge had a freaking crush on your girlfriend." Santana said.

"We did Michael and Whitney Houston. You guys didn't." Blaine said.

"Guys, that was weeks ago; why are you still obsessing over it?" Asked Ashleigh.

"One word, Ashleigh... Michael." Mercedes says, resting her hand on Ashleigh's shoulder.

"Guys, everything okay?" Will asked.

"Uh, they love being back in New Directions, but they're just sad they missed their one chance at Michael." Ashleigh tells him.

"I get it. I've been thinking about regionals. Maybe we could do Michael again." Will says, walking away from them.

"Well, I, for one, know exactly what song we should start Michael Week with." Blaine says, tossing his bag at the side of the lockers.

With Finn, he walked down the corridor, exhaling sharply, walking over to Rachel, looking down at his watch...

"Okay, it's been exactly three days to the minute since I proposed to you, which is the amount of time you said you needed before you'd give me an answer."

"This isn't the kind of decision you can make on a deadline." She tells him.

"I understand you said you needed some time, but not hearing a decision's kind of bumming me out."

"Look, I love you, okay? And I wanna marry you someday. And... really, I'm open to anything. This is all happening so fast, and I don't understand it. I mean, I need you to help me understand." She says.

"If you didn't get into NYADA, you're still gonna go to New York."

"Yes, and I want you to come with me." She said.

"And I will. We're crazy if we think it's gonna be easier to be a couple there... than it is here. My point is that those rings are... will always be a reminder of exactly how we feel right now."

"That's really romantic, but I have to be honest. This all just sounds really crazy. I don't need to marry you to keep from straying. You're the only guy for me. Okay, I guess my answer for now is..." She tells him.

"No, no, don't... don't say anything. We shouldn't make this kind of decision on a deadline. Just, uh, take a couple of more days, okay?"

He leaned down, kissing her cheek.

Later, Blaine, Rachel, Santana, Ashleigh, Artie, and Kurt were all sitting in the café drinking their coffee...

"Favourite Michael memory. Go." Ashleigh says, taking a sip of her coffee.

"When I was one, my mom showed me the VHS tape of his Motown special. When he did the moonwalk across the stage for the first time in history, I uttered my first words... "Hot damn." Said Artie.

"I owe the King of Pop a deep debt of gratitude. He was the first one to pull off the sequinned jacket." Ashleigh said.

Kurt smiled.

"Gotta be honest, I never really got him." Said Rachel.

"We are officially not on speaking terms." Ashleigh and Artie said.

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