Twenty: Props.

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Ashleigh and Blaine were standing in front of Sue...

"Slag and Slag's boyfriend, you have created a monster." Sue says, tossing the magazine on the desk. "They're calling Jesse St. James a visionary... and lauding Vocal Adrenaline for their ongoing commitment to diversity."

"B... bu... but Jesse St. James was super against Unique, performing as his true magical self. No, we were the ones who convinced him to do that." Ashleigh said.

"Well, then, you only have yourselves to blame. And the liberal media." Sue said.

"Not really. It was your idea." Blaine says.

"I have no memory of that. In any case, Unique is now a show choir celebrity. He/She will trounce us at nationals, and I will lose my Cheerios to Coach Roz Washington. I will not let that happen. So, Ashleigh, you better start working on that voice." Sue tells her.

"But, Coach, that's all I've been doing." Said Ashleigh.

"Or here's another idea... it's time to fight fire... with the flaming flames of additional flamey gay fire." Sue muttered.

"You wanted to see me?" Asked Kurt.

Ashleigh and Blaine turned, seeing Kurt.

Sue held up a dress.

"Porcelain, you will wear this flapper dress and perform at nationals as Porcelina." Said Sue.

Kurt looked at Blaine and Ashleigh.

"You already have the lady gait and the lady voice. You'll have to start smoking, though, because this dress is a size two." She tells them.

"Just because I'm gay does not mean I like to dress up like a woman. I'm not strutting out on the stage at nationals in a dress, out of the question." Kurt said.

"Then New Directions will lose. Hate to say it, kiddo, but if we wanna beat Vocal Adrenaline at nationals, it's tuckin' time." Sue says, tossing the dress at Kurt.

Later that night, Ashleigh was sitting in her room...

She sat at her desk, underlining Rachel's destiny, trying to come up with a plan to get Rachel into NYADA.

When the song ended, she was standing alone in the auditorium...

She walked over to her phone, placing it against her ear.

Carmen: "You've reached the office of Carmen Tibideaux, Dean of Vocal Performance at the New York Academy of Dramatic Arts. Please leave a message after the tone."

Ashleigh: "Hi, Madam Tibideaux. This is Ashleigh Berry, Rachel's sister, calling. I'm hoping, after the last five messages, that I would really love for you to come see my show choir perform... at our nationals in Chicago. I'm just hoping that if we win nationals, you will give Miss Rachel Berry a sec... third chance. Every year the judges give out an award for an M.V.P., and I would really like you to be there. This is her life, and I know she choked the audition, but I know she can do better. Please, I'm asking for you to give her one last shot. If we don't win nationals, then, of course, you won't need to. I... I understand that asking you to make a trip is a lot, but I'm just... I'm just not ready for her to give up her dream, so... thank you very much."

In the choir room, Sue and Will were standing in front of them, and Will wrote nationals on the board...

"Nationals." Will tells them.

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