Twenty-Two: Goodbye.

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Will walked into school, walking into the choir room, seeing Rachel, Tina, Kurt, Mercedes, and Artie singing...

When the song finished, everyone clapped, cheering loudly.

"We're national champs, baby!" Ashleigh shouted.

Everyone cheered, looking at the board, seeing that the word Will wrote was "Goodbye..."

"This week's assignment is easy. Graduation is just a few days away..." Will tells them.

Ashleigh pouted, looking down at her lap.

"There's nothing left to prepare for. Our work here is done; there's only one thing left for us to do: say goodbye. Underclassmen, pick some songs to say goodbye to the seniors; seniors, pick a song to say goodbye to us." Said Will.

"A part of me just wants to lock those doors and not let you out." Ashleigh mumbled.

"We can use the wastebasket for the toilet, and then we can eat Joe for the food since she's been here for the shortest, so we know the least." Brittany says.

Ashleigh stared at Joe, smiling slightly, shaking her head.

Will began singing.

Ashleigh laced her fingers with Blaine's, placing her head against his arm.

The next morning, Kurt and Ashleigh walked down the corridor arm in arm...

Kurt's Voice-Over: "When I first got to McKinley, I was afraid to make eye contact. I didn't share what was in my heart. I was in the closet. And most days, I was also in the dumpster. Perhaps I played a small part in making it possible for tadpole gays all over Lima to be themselves in public. Not a bad legacy for someone who once pretended to be in lust with Rachel Berry, so I wouldn't have to date Mercedes Jones. If I can just get through the next few days without turning into a hot mess, a teary train wreck."

Kurt and Ashleigh walked into the auditorium, finding Burt there.

"Burt. Oh, how I've missed you." Ashleigh says, running over and hugging him.

"Dad... why on earth did you want to meet us here? Oh, my God... my NYADA letter came, didn't it?"

"Not yet. Sit down. I want to give you your graduation present." Burt said.

"Is Elaine Stritch here?"

"I have no idea who that is. This is the problem with getting you gifts... I can't make heads or tails about what it is you like." Said Burt.

"Dad, I'm easy."

"Um, actually, Kurt, you're really not." Ashleigh says, jumping up onto the stage and walking away from them.

"Somewhere around your seventh birthday, I lost you. Before that, you were a normal kid. I mean, a kid who liked to dust, but... you know, I read you to bed. I put cartoons on the TV when you were bored. I taught you how to ride a bike... the normal stuff. And then you turned seven or eight, and you started to become this. And, uh, it was like I was living with an alien. I tried to keep up, but, uh, you know, once your mom passed, I... I really... I didn't stand a chance." Burt said.

"You did good, Dad."

"I am proud of what you and I did together." Said Burt.

"I'm proud of us, too."

"Do you remember when it started? When we turned a corner and started walking towards each other, rather than in opposite directions?" Asked Burt.

"Tell me."

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