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Unknown Island (15 years later)

Several teenagers and children could be seen in a room sitting in a circle surrounding a small clock.

Yori: "Are you sure about this?" asked a green-haired boy.

Aiko: Of course we do it for mom and uncle Sabo, they still miss aunt Anne" said a dark haired girl.

Hanan: But if we leave without saying anything to mom she might get mad and when that happens even dad can't handle her. Said a black-haired girl

Narumi: "Besides, because of her pregnancy she gets worse" said another dark bald-haired girl.

Luka: That's why we'll use the time clock to go back to this very moment...

Umeko: "And who opens it" Said a green-haired girl...

Kaori: "Not me, why am I getting the disease of not opening strange things." Said a blonde

Daiki: "I'm getting that disease too" Said a blonde.

Naoko: "That disease doesn't exist" A blonde with dark circles under her eyes answered them.

Taro: I would say that the Triplets should be the ones to open it.

Luka: Why did we...

Ryu: Because it was their idea...

Seiichi: It's okay, I'll open it...

Suki: "I'm telling you once and for all that if something goes wrong, I'll get paid 10000 berris each of you" He pointed at the three dark pelimagenta

Luka: You're a damn greedy witch....

Aiko: "Open it already..." She said to her twin Seiichi.

Seiichi: "Here we go" She opened the box and a strong light blinded them, when it dissipated a little fairy appeared....

The little clock fairy opened her eyes slowly as she stretched, when her gaze focused on her spectators she simply smiled and raised her hand to greet them the boys were surprised but returned the gesture.

Excuse me? But what year is it?" His voice sounded sleepy.

Hanako: "Year 15 after the new era and the defeat of the World Government" She said with a book in hand.

Everyone: "Seriously pay attention to Robin-san's classes" They said in unison except Haru, Naoko and Kazuya.

Naoko: It's not that hard to know if they would just study" She said with a book in her hand.

???: "That means that" Her mouth dried up and she swallowed saliva "The second king of the pirates already occupied the throne" She asked.

Aiko: "Yes, but there is a detail that it is a woman who occupied that throne and it is my mom Monkey D Lucy, queen of the pirates" She answered and the little woman remained static before her words...

She heard the voice of the red-haired girl with flashes of sky blue and directed her gaze towards her.

Hanako: "Hada-san, could you tell us what you were doing inside the watch?" she asked, the small person forced herself out of her daze and looked at the girl.

???: My name is Jossy, and my boss already knew what you guys were going to use the watch for and asked me to be your guide on what you plan to do" She said with a smile.

Haru: And how does your boss know that?

Jossy: She is the guardian of her universe....

Umeko: "Why I feel, that even if we have some kind of goddess that sent us someone to help us, this could go wrong" said a red-haired girl

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