Chapter Five: The Helmsman Of The Crew

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Seiichi: Ok next nakama is ....

The screen lights up showing Marineford in an environment at war....

Marine: That's Marineford...

Sengoku: Hey brat you want to explain that.

Seiichi: Well there will be a war between the navy and Shirohige pirates....

Haruta: Why?

Seiichi: Because a certain pirate captured one of Shirohige's sons and handed him over to the navy.

Admiral Akainu appears in front of two dark blurs. You can't see anything of those people but you are motionless. Akainu's arm fills with magma to ruthlessly attack those two.

Shirohige: *So that's where that Admiral kills one of my sons* He thinks.

Unrecognizable screams are heard and at the last second, someone steps in the way and stops the Admiral's fist, magma shoots everywhere.

Blur (Lucy): "Jimbe!" shouts one of the blurs in a distorted voice.

Marine 1: "It's."

Marine 2: "Jimbe, the sea knight."

But his appearance is not surprising if not what appears next.

Jimbe "The Sea Knight"
Crew Helmsman

Gyojin: But he is the captain of the pirates of the sun.

Shirohige: How interesting

Jimbei: "Oyaji, I..." He turns to look at him with wide eyes.

Shirohige: She must be a wonderful woman, watch Jimbe let's go see the woman who earned your respect."

Seiichi: Jimbe, you can sit next to Yamato and Carrot.

(Sea Warrior Rap
Jimbe - Saikore)

A warrior of the sea there is no
no one can argue with that
The gyojin island and that's
that's why he fights
For his own, for his people he gives
his life in combat
One more reason why
he will not be defeated

Haruta: Obviously, Jimbe is not a shichibukai for nothing, he will never be defeated.

Anne: Do you want me to remind you when I didn't beat him?

Haruta: Correction, he won't be defeated again, especially not by pirates and fourth rate marines.

Jimbe: *I feel flattered and offended How do I respond to that?* He thought sitting next to Yamato and Carrot.

Arlong: "Pathetic" He said looking at the time he and Jimbe fought.

His soul is linked to the
pirates of the sun
Along with the tritons
with whom he grew up
A very noble attitude,
always accompanied him
He stepped forward
showing his courage

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