Chapter Nine: The Crew Doctor

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They were all talking to each other, Anne was introducing Lucy to her nakamas....

Tatch: So you are the little sister Anne talks so much about?

Other siblings attended in agreement with what Tatch said

Marco: And you guys, what's she complaining about if I'm the one who puts up with her the most?

Anne: It's not that bad, it's not like I talk about her a lot...

Izo: Of course you do, you always say Lucy this, Lucy that, you always talk about her...

Lucy: And that when we were kids she tried to kill me...

Marco: She also tried to kill Oyaji...

Meanwhile with the Charlotte's

Brulee: Katakuri-niisan, what do you think of your future children?

Oven: You already found out who could be their mother...

Katakuri: No...

Smoothie: I want to meet the woman you fell in love with.

Compote: I'm happy for you Katakuri-niichan

Seiichi: Well, since you've already rested a bit, let's start.

The screen turns on

Blur (Kumadori): "Yoyoi Wait!" was heard as a shadow was seen walking up the stairs.

Franky: Another woman?

Seiichi: Yes and no, it's true that there's another woman besides the captain and those who already introduced themselves but it's not time to introduce her to that nakama yet.

Blur (Nami): "That octopus man!" Commented the female shadow annoyed.

Blur (Kumadori): I won't, I won't let you escape!" Said the shadow jumping towards the female shadow

Blur (Chopper): N̶̶̶a̶̶m̶̶̶i, go get Robin I'll take care of this guy!" A voice was heard but the shadow corresponding to that voice was not visible on the screen

Blur (Nami): "Got it!" He said to start climbing the stairs and a small shadow is managed to be seen, it didn't even seem to reach the meter high.

Blur (Kumadori): "Yoi yoi I won't let you interrupt!

Blur (Chopper): Koku tei Cross!" It is seen that the shadow grows

Robin: Akuma No Mi?

Aiko: Yes...

Carrot: "What fruit could it be?" The shadow seemed to have horns "Maybe it's the reindeer's zoan" he said with glitter in his eyes.

Blur (Kumadori): It will be you again!

Blur (Chopper): "I will be your opponent" Said the shadow starting to clear up "COME!" On the screen was a sort of reindeer human with a curious blue nose and a pink top hat with a white "X" in the center.

Tony Tony Chopper
"The cotton candy lover"
The Crew Doctor

Chopper walked up and got up the courage to speak to them.

Chopper: Hi...umm are you ok with me being your nakama?

Carrot: Of course Cho-aniki is.

Jimbei: We have no problem

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