Chapter Four: The Crew's Lookout

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Seiichi: Now let's continue with the next nakama...

Many paid attention...

The screen lights up in which you see the silhouette of a ship, the environment of the image shows the sea in the middle of the night and on what appeared to be the crow's nest of the ship there was a silhouette that appeared to be a female body with rabbit ears.

Pedro: "A mink?" he asked, paying more attention to the screen.

The image changes focus and the silhouette is seen looking directly at the beautiful full moon.

Blur (Carrot): I will fight for your beliefs

As the minutes passed, the full moon came into focus and the silhouette began to lighten, the eyes that saw the full moon appeared so that they became bristling and lightning began to surround the body.

Wanda: "It's definitely a mink" She said knowing what was going on.

Inuarashi: Let's see what will happen

All this was happening before the eyes of a mink rabbit who felt familiar with what was going on and she had a feeling that it was her, although at that moment she did not know how to use her sulong form that was the only thing that made her doubt.

Meanwhile on the screen the silhouette seemed to get clearer and clearer the body had a white glow and lightning kept manifesting around the silhouette, until suddenly the silhouette let out a shuddering roar to then show how lightning struck the ship's crow's nest the image was now clear, the person on the screen was the doe girl from the mink tribe.

Blur (Chopper): "His eyes are red.... She looks like a completely different person" said a big and sturdy silhouette

Blur (Nami): "How beautiful" said a voice more feminine than the other one

Blur (Jimbei): How mystical.

Blur (Brook): "Oh she looks amazing... I'd like to see" He didn't finish his sentence because he had been hit by what seemed to be a cane.

The image shows the mink rabbit with long white wavy hair, red eyes and then she appeared.

The Crew Watcher

Seiichi: Carrot-san could sit in one of the chairs next to Yamato san.

Carrot nodded and went to sit down.

Yamato: Hello

Carrot: Hello

Seiichi: Now as with Yamato-san we will see a little song, so let's start.

Future Mugiwara Rap

She is a mink without a natural gift, she did not lose faith and did
not stop training.
She really wanted to protect her people because she felt a great attachment to everyone else.
she failed, the sword was
not for her

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