Chapter Seventeen: First presentations

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Chapter dedicated to JossyLpez1 who let me take his idea of Katakuri and Luffyfem's children from his story.

Seiichi: Before we continue we have a lot of explaining to do....

Anne/Sabo: "Yes, do we want to hear the whole story?" They said in sync giving Katakuri a dirty look.

Brulee: I have a question: How many children are there?

Many of the Charlotte's had that doubt how many children their brother would have with that mugiwara girl.

Luka: "Well, if we count mom's new pregnancy, if it turns out to be triplets or twins we would be fourteen or fifteen, it depends" He said with a hand on his chin.

Marines: "WHAT THEEEEEEE?!" they shouted in surprise

And they looked at Lucy who was all flushed.

Seiichi: Yes, in order we are triplets, triplets twins, quadruplets and as Luka said we don't know if it will be twins or triplets that mom is expecting.

mother x: How can she put up with so many children, I barely put up with my two sons.

Sengoku: Damn... GARP YOUR DAMN FAMILY AGAIN!!!!! It wasn't enough that three of you were already fucking up the world and your granddaughter goes and she's 15.

"Hey there are 12 of us" Katakuri and Lucy's kids replied in sync.

Pudding: So that girl is married to Katakuri-niisan

Anne/Sabo: "Over my dead body..." shouted both of them hugging towards Lucy

Anne: "Lucy, don't marry that..." Pointing at Katakuri

Lucy: Huh?! why?!!!!!

Sabo/Anne: " Well.... Why...?" They didn't finish talking because Marco and Koala hit them.

Marco/Koala: Don't meddle in your little sister's private life.

Hooded (Narumi): We knew that Aunt Anne and Uncle Sabo would object.

Anne: "Marco, let go of me I have to stop my little sister from making the mistake of getting married" She said being carried by Marco.

Marco: Stop the drama, your sister isn't getting married yet.

Koala: And that goes for you too

Sabo: "But Koala, I have to stop my little sister from making the worst mistake of her life" He said being dragged away by Koala.

Many looked at how dramatic the older siblings of the future queen are being

Perospero: But, how dramatic they are....

Hooded (Satoshi): "So are they uncle Perospero" He said taking off his cloak revealing a black-haired man.

Compote: You are another son of Katakuri-niichan.

Aiko: Yes, he is Charlotte Satoshi.

Hooded (Kyoko): "And I'm Charlotte Kyoko" says a black-haired girl.

Hooded (Hanan): "While we're at it, I'm Hanan the eldest of Satoshi and Kyoko" says another black-haired girl.

Hooded (Narumi/Kyomi): "Don't forget about us" They say taking off their cloaks revealing two dark-haired magenta-haired girls.

Narumi: I am Narumi and this is Kyomi my twin.

Hooded (Yoriko): "It's my turn" she said taking off her cloak and revealing a black-haired girl "I am Yoriko the eldest of the quadruplets

Hooded (Kaito): "And I'm Kaito I'm the third of the quadruplets" Removing his cloak revealing a black-haired man.

Hooded (Mizuki): I'm Mizuki, and I'm the second of the quadruplets" said a dark pelimagenta with fangs like Katakuri's but smaller.

Hooded (Tara): "And I'm Tara the youngest" Said also another dark haired one with small fangs.

Anne: "She looks like Lucy when she was still being eaten by Crocodiles" She said hugging little Tara.

Sabo: Only with dark magenta hair, obviously I'll be her favorite uncle.

Anne: You're crazy, I'll be her favorite aunt.

Sabo: I'll be me...

Anne: I'll be me...

Sabo: It will be me...

Anne: It will be me...

Shirohige Pirates: How quickly they forgot that their sister will marry the strongest of the Bigmom pirates.

Marco: That they are now fighting over who will be the favorite uncle or aunt of those children.

Oven: They're seriously fighting over who's the favorite guy.

Daifuku: It seems so.

Compote: But in a way they look like Flampe who wants to be Katakuri-niisan's favorite sister.

Perospero: You're right about that

Meanwhile with the marines

Sengoku: "It wasn't enough that three of them were already screwing up the world, and now his granddaughter goes and has 12 more children not counting the ones yet to be born" He said with a depressing aura (Hashirama Style).

Hooded (Naoko): *Poor great-grandfather* She thought.

Marine: What's wrong Sengoku-san

Sengoku: It happens that I regret not having Garp castrated earlier....

Garp's wife (Who we don't know yet): "Good thing you didn't" She said sighing with relief.

Meaning of the names.


Aiko: "Dear daughter."

Seiichi: "He who is sincere."

Luka: "The Man who shines."


Hanan: "Beautiful, laughing girl who shines brightly and captivates people."

Satoshi: "Who sees things clearly."

Kyoko: "Mirror."


Narumi: "blooming beauty"

Kyomi: "pure and beautiful"


Yoriko: "Worthy of trust."

Mizuki: "Moon" in Japanese

Kaito: "Towards the sea".

Tara: "Young"

To be continued.....


When I was writing down Lucy's children's names I noticed that one name has the same letters as Lucy's mom's name you can guess what the name is.

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