Chapter Seven: The crew's shipyard

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Seiichi: Now we will see the crew's shipyard

Iceburg: Shipyard.

The screen lights up

Blur (Spandam): Let's get to the door of justice before they make it here!" said the shadow as it looked down where there were 6 more shadows.

Marine: "Hey, why don't they show any of those present?" He asked in surprise as they had already shown four members of the second queen's crew, but none of those they had already introduced did not appear in the image.

Seiichi: Easy Brook-san joined them in the Florian Triangle, and that there is before that.

Civilian: What are the gates of justice?

Seiichi: I have no idea...

Hooded (Kazuya): That's what you get for falling asleep when the aunt explained it to us.

Seiichi: "That's why Auntie's class was boring."

Hooded (Haru): "I'll explain it to you" He said taking off his cloak and revealing a red-haired boy "The gates of justice as the name says are gates that can only take you to three places which are guarded by the navy, these three destinations are the navy headquarters "Marineford", The navy has a special marine current called "Tarai Current" that allows them to travel in record time through those three places, and to prevent anyone from using that current they created some gates which are now known as the gates of justice" He said.

Marine: That means that those pirates are in one of those places" he asked.

Haru: Right, that place is Enies Lobby the judicial island.

Marine/Pirates: "What?!!!" They shout

Seiichi: "Don't yell or we'll be deaf" Covering his ears.

Jossy: Let's continue...

Blur (Spandam): Hey, N̶̶̶I̶̶̶̶C̶̶̶O R̶̶O̶̶B̶̶I̶̶N ! Someone take C̶̶U̶̶T̶̶T̶̶Y̶̶ F̶̶L̶̶A̶̶M !

Blur (Mugiwaras): R̶̶̶̶o̶̶̶b̶̶̶i̶̶̶n!!!!!

Blur (Spandam): They don't have what it takes, they are simple pirates..... Here we have CP9, the best assassins , along with the only survivor of the Scholars who tried to resurrect the A̶̶N̶̶C̶̶E̶̶S̶̶T̶̶R̶̶A̶̶L̶ ̶W̶̶E̶̶A̶̶P̶̶O̶̶N̶̶S , N̶̶̶̶I̶̶̶̶C̶̶̶O R̶̶O̶̶B̶̶I̶̶N and the man who inherited the plans for one of those C̶̶U̶̶T̶̶T̶̶Y F̶̶L̶̶A̶̶M Don't think I'm going to let them be taken from me!

Aokiji: "What exactly is that guy talking about? Survivor? Man who inherited the blueprints? Blueprints of what? Survivor of what?" He asked getting an idea of what he was talking about.

Seiichi: "You are very smart did you know that Aokiji-san?" he said "But I can't confirm anything to you yet."

Meanwhile with a caped girl who was near Crocodrile, she was a bit nervous, she had an idea of what was going on and the very idea that the navy had captured her terrified her and she was trying in every way to calm down.

Blur (Spandam): "C̶̶U̶̶T̶̶T̶̶Y̶̶ F̶̶̶L̶̶̶A̶̶̶M...those't be..." The sturdier shadow in front of him raises in front of his face a booklet that by its appearance seemed quite old "The plans for the P̶̶L̶̶U̶̶T̶̶O A̶̶N̶̶C̶̶E̶̶S̶̶T̶̶R̶̶A̶̶L ̶W̶̶E̶̶A̶̶P̶̶O̶̶N?"

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