Chapter Eleven: The Crew's Navigator

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Seiichi: Well, let's start, with...

The screen lights up showing a place that seemed to be a bar, it didn't have something very special so you couldn't locate the island where it was, and at the bar there was a female silhouette

Yamato: A girl.

Carrot: "Yei, one more girl."

Bartender: Did you hear that the navy headquarters was relocated?" He said as he poured her drink

Garp: " The headquarters was relocated?" He asked with surprise

Seiichi: Remember in Jimbei's presentation it was shown that there will be a war between the navy and the pirates of Shirohige....

Sengoku: "Did Marineford end up that bad?" He asked calmly

Seiichi: "Let's just say it almost sank."

Hearing that the marines were surprised as with that alone they could confirm the intensity of that war.

Unaware of this conversation the queen's Nakamas

Carrot: A tattoo?

Jimbei: Is it the jolly roger of the crew?

Robin: I don't think so, it's true that some pirates try to be original with their markings, but I don't think that's the case.

Brook: It is true that some pirates tattoo their captain's mark as a sign of loyalty and Shirohige's pirates are a clear example of that.

Franky: I agree with Robin I don't think it's the mark of the crew, I think that's something more personal.

Usopp: I think we have to keep looking to find out.

Carrot: Or ask the guy, or his friends.

Chopper: Better not, he's busy talking to the navy and the others are busy talking to each other.

Blur (Nami): What? Really!

Bartender: "Yes, the base on the other side of the Red Line was moved by the new fleet admiral, he dared to place the headquarters in the new world, in the Yonkou's territory! Because of that the presence of the navy in these islands decreased and now it has become a meeting place for criminals."

Sengoku: "To what end did you do that" He said annoyed "If we stop monitoring the Paradise to invade the Yonkou territory, the balance will be lost"

Tsuru: And the innocent will suffer

Blur (Nami): No wonder I noticed that the city is more hostile than it was two years ago "He said to start drinking.

- "Hey, did you see this?!"

- "Yeah, I was surprised too"

- "I never thought the pirates of the S̶̶O̶̶M̶̶B̶̶R̶̶E̶̶R̶̶O̶̶ D̶̶̶̶E̶̶̶̶ P̶̶A̶̶̶J̶̶̶A would come back!"

Jimbei: Which crew?

Seiichi: "Yours of course, you were missing for two full years and your captain was considered dead, that made some people impersonate you."

Chopper: Impersonate us? It's not like we're famous!

Aiko: "You are, at that point you were already pretty well known and if my memory serves me correctly, your captain had a 400 million bounty back then" He said

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