Chapter Three: The Crew Warrior

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La pantalla se enciende mostrando el entorno del castillo de Kaido en Wano se veía a dos sombras hablando en lo que parecía ser un ático

Blur (Lucy): "You have five minutes!" Said one of the two shadows.

Blur (Yamato): "Okay!" Said the other one "One day I went to see my father.... And I told him I want to be K̶̶o̶̶z̶̶u̶̶k̶̶i O̶̶̶̶d̶̶e̶̶̶n ! He gave me a tremendous beating for it.

With what the shadow said, Shirohige got angry why that man didn't deserve to carry the title of father for beating his daughter....

Blur (Lucy): "What does that have to do with me!" Asked

Blur (Yamato): "I was there 20 years ago! I saw her! L̶̶e̶̶g̶̶e̶̶n̶̶d̶̶a̶̶r̶̶y o̶̶n̶̶e h̶̶o̶̶u̶̶r ̶e̶̶x̶̶e̶̶c̶̶u̶̶t̶̶i̶̶o̶̶n! There has never been another samurai like him and O̶̶r̶̶o̶̶c̶̶h̶̶i next to my own f̶̶a̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶r killed him!!! It was so frustrating!!!!! But beyond that I felt an inferno in my chest.... And the streams of my tears flowed like rivers!" He said "After that I found O̶̶̶d̶̶̶e̶̶̶̶n's notebook and it's been my bible ever since!"

Many wondered what could be in that book....

Greedy pirates thought perhaps it had a map written in it for the location of a treasure....

Blur (Lucy): Whoa! A diary

Blur (Yamato): O̶̶r̶̶o̶̶c̶̶h̶̶i and f̶̶a̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶r have no idea about the existence of this book! It tells of his heroic life and the things he loved most! With the V̶̶a̶̶i̶̶n̶̶a̶̶s r̶̶o̶̶j̶̶a̶̶s dead, someone has to carry out O̶̶̶d̶̶̶̶e̶̶̶n's will and that's why I.... I intend to reopen this country!" He says removing his mask but still the image was blurry AND I want you to fight by my side!!!" Said now the now clear silhouette being a white-haired girl with horns.

Anne: "Yamato!" She said surprised

Marcus: You know her

Anne: "Yes I knew her before I joined oyaji."

Beast Pirates: Yamato-sama!

Yamato: "Me" Pointing at herself

Queen: "It had to be that damn traitor..." He said attacking her but one of the hooded ones stopped him.

Hood (Luka): No fighting here..." Holding back Queen's attack

Blur (Lucy): "Huh, you said you were Kaido's son!" Said the shadow in surprise

Bigmom: "Kaido has a daughter" She said surprised.

They were all the same they never imagined that the sea emperor had a daughter....

Author: If they are surprised now how will they be when they find out that the youngest Yonkou practically has one too even if it's not by blood.

Yamato: "Kozuki Oden was a man, right? So I became a man too!!! You're really strong!!!! And you haven't even gotten would be yet You remind me of A̶̶n̶̶n̶̶e!!!" Said

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