Chapter Twenty-two: The Island of the Gods (Skypiea)

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Everyone was arriving to continue seeing the future this time Lucy sat next to Katakuri, Nami next to Cracker.... And the future couples sat together

Bon Clay, Mr.2 sacrificed himself for our sake.
Miss All Sunday is Nico Robin, she will join for the moment
not knowing what was about to happen

Smoothie: "Please tell me you won't do anything stupid" She asked ready to cover Flampe's eyes.

Shanks: "With my gummy everything is possible" He says drinking sake next to Shirohige

Hearing the nickname Katakuri unconsciously grunted drawing a smile from his children

A gigantic destroyed ship
falls from the sky, next to it a map of Skypiea a supposed island that was lost up there,
above the clouds
We'll be right there

Cracker: "Fuck... How come they didn't die?" he asked astonished to see how they were almost crushed to death.

Bellamy: "Those islands are just a myth for idiots."

Cricket: Skypiea?

Shanks/Sabo/Anne: "The lawless island" They whispered worried about Lucy.

It was getting dark, there are some silhouettes that cause night in the day, let's go to Jaya is a
neighboring island

Lucy: "Do I want to go to that island? Nami when we get out of here, take us to that island, please" She asked with stars in her eyes

Nami: "Ok, but if we steal the treasure it will be mine" She said she didn't know why but she couldn't refuse a request by her future captain

We found a book with a very
well known story Noland who swore to have seen an entire
city of gold that never existed,
he was executed for his lies.

Usopp/ Kaori/Daiki: "I won't lie again" They said in unison hugging Zoro,Umeko and Yori....

Zoro/ Umeko/ Yori: "That won't happen idiots" Said each of their respective nakamas.

Here live their descendants
were always disowned.
But they don't hate him, they
want to know if he really existed.
This man is like me, he believes
in dreams strongly.
People's dreams will
last forever.

Sons of KataLu: "That's right" they shouted.

Oven: They are very loud

Dragon: "They look like Lucy" Whispered looking at his future grandchildren.

An underwater explosion
is going to push us over
They reinforced our ship,
It's time to set sail
Not to the sea but to the sky, a vertical current.
Incredible our navigator
will make us fly

Moscato: Damn, you've got to be kidding me.

Yoriko: And that's because you haven't seen..." She couldn't finish because she was stopped by her sisters

Aiko: "Don't say it's a surprise."

Sabo: What's a surprise?

Tara: "If we told you it wouldn't be a surprise".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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