Chapter Fifteen: Bonds of Brotherhood

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The three boys look at each other....

Aiko/Luka/Seiichi: *It's time to revive our dead uncle from this time* They thought slyly looking at Sabo.

The screen turns on

The scene changes again, there is a clearing in the middle of the forest, the three children are around the stump of a tree branch, which has on it three sake cups....

The revolutionaries are surprised to see the chief of staff of the revolutionary army.

Koala: "I think you have found your past" She says in surprise.

Sengoku: "Who is he?" I ask Garp

Garp: "It's Sabo, my other grandson, he died many years ago" He answered.

Anne: "Well, we'll decide future things in the future" He says with a bottle of sake "Most likely the three of us will end up on different ships"

Lucy: "Did you steal Dadan's liquor?" she asked

Dadan: Anne! Brat!

Firefist blinks and looks at his sister Don't you feel like Dadan is cursing us? And Lucy just shrugs her shoulders.

Anne: Did you know that? When adults share cups of sake they become siblings.

Vista: "Adults" She scoffs "They're barely in diapers."

Anne/Lucy: "Hey!" they whine.

Marine: "Kids shouldn't drink!" Scolds

Lucy: Siblings? Really?!

Anne: We may not end up on the same pirate ship, but we'll be bound together by our sibling bond, no matter what we do or where we are, no one will break that bond!"

The three children take the glasses

Anne: "From now on.... We are siblings!"

Vivi: "That's so sweet" She smiles.

Franky: "Lucy-sis I'm glad that during your childhood you weren't alone" He says wiping his face with a handkerchief.

Bon Clay: "What a cute brotherhood?" He says dancing

Marine: "This was cute" he admits "But what was the point of...?"

A blond boy stops in front of the sisters D. His skin is tanned and his left eye is tinged with a burn scar. His attire is a nod to nobility, with an open black trench coat, a blue shirt, a white scarf over his collar and a top hat.

Some people gasp as they recognize the on-screen boy, Anne folds her arms.

Anne: Who the hell are you?

Haruta: "Idiot" He says "That's..."

Izo: "Leave them" Stopping him.

Lucy looks at him curiously and tilts her head questioningly.

Sabo: "I don't really remember, but now that I've seen this I can understand more of my past" His voice echoes in the silent room.

Anne's mouth drops open in surprise, she frowns and Lucy tilts her head even more as only a rubber neck can do.

Sabo: I know not remembering is not an excuse but I would like to apologize for making you worry" Smile "And if.... If they ever take me back..."

Anne observes and Lucy crosses her arms

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