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The line was way too long that made me feel like peeing on my spot.

I shouldn't have I agreed to come with this baby wolf here! But it felt so illegal to reject her offer!!

Especially she is like this rarely! I couldn't just reject that nor disagree with her!

"Shushu?" I said and slightly poked her arms.

She hummed in response but she is really focused on the counter. That chocolate is really important in her life.

"I'll go to the comfort room shu. Is it okay for you to be alone here?" I said with a worry tone, as far as I know she doesn't really want to be left alone.

To show her my concern, I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around her waist.

"Yes myeon, go ahead. Come back quickly okay?" She said and finally gave her attention to me. Oh gosh I think I'll melt anytime at this moment

Suddenly I felt her arms around my shoulder and pulling me towards her body. She is really giving me those unexplainable feeling huh?

"I'll be back shu." I said just to ruin that moment because I really felt the urge to go to the bathroom. But God knows how much I love this girl but bathroom is a need.

I finally let go of her waist in which she did the same and responded to me with hum.

Rushing to the comfort room, I accidentally bump into someone but I had no time to look at her or him. I instantly went inside the cubicle.

After I did my urinary time, I went out the cubicle and went straight in front of the mirror.

I noticed that I am alone in this comfort room. Just really me.

Oh God please no horror or any paranormal activities would happen in this comfort room.

Shaking those thoughts, I quickly dried up my hands and exited the rest room.

A meter after I went out from the rest room someone grabbed me and before I could scream he or she covered my mouth.

Am I getting kidnapped?! No this can't be!! I haven't confessed my feelings toward my shushu!!



Back to the worried Shuhua, her heart pulse was really increasing as she turned her head multiple times just to find a Miyeon.

Running towards the rest room again, she checked all of the cubicles if her unnie was there. Sighing in defeat, she ruffle her hair in annoyance and went out the rest room with a deafeted posture.

A laughter echoed from the side of the hallway causing shuhua to directly avert her eyes to the source of the sound.

All of her worry faded and turn into anger as she marched towards the source of the laughter.

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