I Hate You So Much

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You and Anakin had just gotten back from a difficult mission. You had almost caught General Grevious, but he got away at the last second. Not to mention Anakin made some stupid, rash decisions, which could've gotten him killed or seriously hurt. I'm his eyes you probably did the same thing.

Your ship was landing on the docking bay at the Jedi Temple. The hatch opened and it was pouring the rain. Perfect weather to match the mood. You stomped down the ramp, Anakin right behind you. You were so angry at yourself and Anakin. This should've been light work for you guys.

Anakin walked behind you as you made your way to the temple. He knew you were pissed and honestly? So was he. His face was screwed up in a mix of anger, frustration, and disappointment. He didn't speak to you, he had no words.

The moment you two got near the temple steps Anakin rushed in front of you and grabbed the door, holding it open for you.

You could feel him watching you make your way up the steps.

You started heading to your quarters, as it was late and you wanted to change into some dry clothes and sleep your anger away. You felt Anakin follow behind you. It was a ritual that yourself and Anakin would spend the night together after a mission. To be honest you were almost always together, even though you were probably breaking the Jedi Code.

You reach your quarters and immediately enter with Anakin on your tail.

"So are we gonna talk about the fact that you ran into an army of battle droids with no backup just because you are stubborn and cocky." You interrogate him. "You could've gotten yourself hurt. Or worse."

Anakin remained silent for a moment with his hands behind his back, and honestly it was a little hard to tell if he was angry or hurt with you.

When he did speak his tone was completely neutral... you knew better than to take it for granted though.

"I didn't need to have backup, you know how I work" he said simply, he didn't seem to believe he had been wrong about anything here.

"If I'm being honest.. we should be talking about how stupid you were for almost blowing yourself up." Anakin didn't sugar coat anything.

"Really, Anakin?" You roll your eyes and start slipping off your soaked robes, leaving you in your undershirt and pants.

Anakin's eyes immediately glance towards you and up and down your body.

When his eyes finally return to your face he seems annoyed.

"..Yes really, don't try to dodge the topic."

The moment you look away he takes the moment of you being distracted to continue looking you up and down.

"Oh whatever. Using a thermal detonator to take out an army of droids is nothing like running into lightsaber combat with no backup." You continue as you slip off the rest of your clothes until only your underwear and breast band are left.

This time Anakin doesn't even try to hide how much he's staring now, but at least he kept his hands behind his back.

"Atleast have the decency to turn around if you're gonna take off your clothes like that."

Anakin still looked pissed off at you, but you knew he liked to look at you when you did this.

"Oh fuck you, you know you like it. It's never bothered you before." You smirk.

He rolled his eyes..
"Shut up, just because I like looking at you doesn't get you a free pass to try and tease me like that."

He stepped closer.

"But you know what I actually am annoyed about at the moment?"

"What's that?" You whisper.

He leaned even closer, close enough that you could feel his lips brushing against your ear.

His tone of voice was very low, he definitely didn't want to wake anyone else up with this conversation.

"..You, looking this fine, while I'm still fully dressed."

"Weren't we just fighting?" A smile crept up on your face.

"Yes, and?"

He smirked.

"I can still be pissed at you and like what I see."

"I hate you so much." You place your head against his forehead.

"Never scare me again like you did today."

His hands wrapped around you and pulled you close..

"I'll be better.. I promise" he whispered as he kissed your cheek. "Now.. you should probably go change."

He then moved his hand to your chin and made you look into his eyes.

"If you're not going to go change and you keep looking at me like that we're gonna end up doing things I know you'll regret in the morning."

Anakin then smirked at you.

"You'd want that wouldn't you Skywalker." You pushed his shoulder lightly as you headed to the bathroom to put on your pajamas.

"You know which drawer has your clothes in it?"

Anakin rolled his eyes but then he did a dramatic sigh as he realized how right you were.

"..Yes I do know which one.."

Anakin took another moment to look at you.. specifically your legs, before he headed towards the bed and started removing his shirt.

He changed into some boxers he found in the drawer you kept for him and crawled into your bed to wait for you.

Anakin was laying in your bed, shirtless and with his fingers through his hair. He was just watching the way the moonlight hit your face, and when he saw you returning from the bathroom he moved up to make space for you.

When you entered the bed Anakin scooted closer to you and put his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him so that your faces were next to each other before he started tracing his fingers along your thigh. It was light enough to where it felt almost more like a caress than an actual touch.

"Goodnight Ani." You kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

Anakin was silent for a long moment before speaking up.

"..do you really hate me like you said you do earlier?" Anakin's tone was soft and gentle, and if you weren't looking at him he could easily be mistaken for just wanting a bedtime story.

"Because I hope not..." he said as his hands continued to move up your thighs, the light caresses turning into light rubs as they neared your hips.

You chuckled "I could never hate you."

Your brought your hand up to his cheek and rubbed it gently.

A smile slowly spread across his face.

"Is that so?" His tone of voice was light and soft.

His fingers were still moving up your thighs, slowly but surely. They were also getting a little closer towards a certain area..

Anakin's eyebrows were raised in the lightest suggestion of a teasing smirk.

"Go to bed you horn dog." You groaned and smacked his head with a pillow as you rolled over.

Anakin laughed at your comment and pulled you closer as you both drifted off into sleep in each other's arms.

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