But, You're My Boss II (Modern AU)

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You wake up on Monday morning to the sound of your phone going off next to your bed.

You look at the time, it's 7am, it's time to get ready for work.

You pick up your phone and open your texts to see a message from Padmé. She sent it just a minute ago.

Good morning queen, I have the details for your date and I have to tell you the man is hot (but I don't want to give you any expectations). But go get 'em, bitch. Tonight, 7pm, go meet him at Sandalwood Cafe!

You groan and slam your face into your pillow.

Why did I agree to this?

You roll out of bed and begin getting ready for work.

You spend most of the day nervous, your mind racing with doubts about the date and if you'll click with the guy. You start to wonder if you made a mistake agreeing to it, but the doubt is constantly shoved aside by Padmé's positive tone and support.

As soon as work lets out, you head home to get ready for the date. As a last minute touch up, you spray some perfume under your elbows, the type of perfume that Padmé told you her new Tinder match had told her he liked. You check over in the mirror one last time before heading out.

You decide to walk to the small cafe since it is only a few blocks from your apartment.

You arrive and step into to the cute establishment.

You look around for a few seconds before your eyes land on a handsome looking young man sitting in a chair near the doorway. He's a little on the taller side, his dark blond hair and blue eyes making him very charming. As he notices you walk through the door into the cafe, his eyes immediately find yours, and a small smile creeps onto his cheeks.

You smile back as you take in his appearance. He looks nice and well put together, probably a lawyer or a doctor or something like that. Someone you'd see on television.

Your breath got knocked out of you. You could've sworn you looked petrified.

It was your fucking boss.

Why would Padmé do this? She knows how you feel about that conceited asshole.

You paint a polite smile on your face and try your best to contain yourself.

"I am. And you are?" You ask, even though you very much know who he is.

You can't believe he does t even recognize you. You honestly weren't even shocked.

He gets to his feet to meet you, extending his hand out to you. He's much taller than you, and you look up at him. His eyes are locked on to yours and you can't help but get a little lost in them.

He speaks with a very smooth but gentle confidence to the point that you just want to stare at him while he speaks.

"I'm Anakin. Anakin Skywalker. I'm so glad you could make it. Would you like to come sit down?"

You internally groan. If you weren't literally desperate for male interaction, you would've just walked out. Might as well just give it a try.

You follow Anakin as he leads you to the table he was previously occupying.

He pulls out your seat for you and waits for you to sit down before he seats himself across from you.

He smiles and leans forward, putting his elbows on the table as his eyes continue to gaze intently at yours, never breaking the eye contact for more than a few seconds.

He speaks without the gentility he showed when you first met. "Padmé told me what I was getting myself into and I have to say, I still can't believe how beautiful you are in person. I hope you don't mind me saying."

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