Run Away

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The fire crackled in the quiet library in the late hours of the night. Anakin walked in and saw you dressed in an elegant silk dress, immediately catching his eye. Assigned to protect you by the Jedi council, Anakin had been fighting a constant internal battle as of late: his dedication to the Jedi order, and his growing attachment to you, the princess.

"What are you doing out at this hour, your highness?" his eyes narrow, looking you up and down. "You're not supposed to be out of bed."

"Nighttime is the only time I get peace. No one expects anything from you at 3 in the morning." You laugh and adjust your position on the plush loveseat.

Anakin smiles slightly at your joke, but it drops as quickly as it came.

"You have a responsibility to protect the monarchy. You can't just go wandering about the palace in the middle of the night," Anakin glares at you, but you can't help but notice his eyes glancing slightly downwards as he says that, towards your exposed legs.

You hum. "As I have told you and my entire cabinet over and over, I can take care of myself."

"That's not the point, princess," Anakin's voice is firm, but there is a slight crack of longing in it.

"Your safety is important. If something were to happen to you, your entire kingdom and all of its people would suffer. It's our job to protect you and ensure that doesn't happen." his eyes flutter down to your neck, and then your chest.

You catch his insinuating glances. "I didn't sign up for this job. That's how a monarchy works." You laugh at your own comment. "If I could just run away from this life, I would. In a heartbeat."

Anakin looks up at you with an expression of sympathy, but is quickly ruined by his own lust

"Believe me, your highness, I understand your plight," Anakin reaches out slowly and brushes a strand of hair from your face.

"I'm assigned to protect you, not to keep you trapped here in a cage." He looks down and pauses for a moment.

"What I really want is to take you far away from here in my arms." He finally says, his eyes gazing at yours.

You aren't shocked by Anakin's confession. He had been leaving obvious hints of admiration your way for the entire month and a half he had been assigned to your palace. But you are shocked that you had fallen for him just as he had fallen for you.

"We both live lives that prohibit that from happening Anakin." You whisper.

Anakin moves in closer and gently traces your hair with his fingers.

"Princess, with all due respect, I don't think anything could stop me from being with you." He leans in slightly, and whispers in your ear, "I want to take you away from this place, make you mine, love you and take care of you forever."

"I want you to be mine," His eyes fill with longing, as he gazes at you.

"Let's run away. Far from here. We can settle on a planet where no one will ever find us. We can build a house, have children. We can live the life we never thought we could ever have." You ramble.

You are getting away from yourself. You have always longed for a different life. A normal life.

Anakin smiles warmly and places his hand gently on your cheek.

"Let's run away princess," Anakin whispers. "Just you and me. I don't care about my duty, or the monarchy, or anything like that. I just want to be with you."

Anakin lowers his head slightly until your noses are touching. "And I want you to be all mine."

Anakin's hand comes up to cup your face.

"I want to be yours." You lean into his touch.

His grasp on the side of your face pulls you towards him. Your lips touch.

Anakin's hand traces your features gently as his lips meet your own.

He cups the back of your head and pulls you closer, his touch growing stronger and more passionate by the second. He grips tightly just behind your head, and brings his lips down on yours.

His breath is warm and his touch is firm, sending pleasure through every nerve in your body.

You finally pull away. Your foreheads still touching.

Anakin stares passionately into your eyes, his hand still resting gently on your cheek.

"Let's go, princess." He whispers. "Let's run so far away from this place. Live someplace else, be someone else. We can have whatever we want."

He leans in and softly kisses you again.

"Please princess, I know this is what you want. We don't need anyone else."

"Okay." You hum.

Anakin smiles as he pulls away.

"Let's just get out of here, together."

His eyes light up with excitement as he leans in to kiss your neck.

"We can go anywhere you'd like, be anything you want."

His lips trail down your neck, his touch becoming more aggressive with each passing second.

You let out a gasp of pleasure. You hands tangle in the soft curls that grow at the nape of Anakin's neck.

"We will leave tomorrow night. We can pack everything tomorrow day." You almost moan as you unconsciously grind down on Anakin.

Anakin shudders, as you grind down on him, and he wraps his arms around you firmly.

"Yes, princess," he whispers. "I just need you. We don't need anything else. Just us."

He begins to undo your dress, pushing the material down to reveal your soft thighs.

You allow Anakin to run his large, rough hands over the fat of your thighs. The contrast between your soft skin and his calloused fingers send shivers down your spine.

Anakin looks at your thighs, his eyes filled with fire as his fingers continue their journey down your thighs.

"Princess," he whispers, "this is so wrong. We're not supposed to be doing this."

He looks at you with longing, and then back at you body, his eyes filled with lust.

"But I just need you, your highness. Your body, your touch...I need it right now."

His fingers continue to slide up and down your thighs, his breathing becoming faster and more intense by the second.

"By this time tomorrow it won't even matter. We will be long gone. I won't be a princess, you won't be a Jedi. We will just be Anakin and    Y/N." You assure him. "So please, make me yours. I need you. All of you."

Anakin shivers as you speak to him, your words sending pleasure through his body and his eyes filled with lust.

"Yes princess," he whispers. "Yes. I'm yours, all of me."

He stares into your eyes for a moment, and then kisses you aggressively once more, grabbing your thighs and pulling them tighter to him.

His breath is warm on your face, and as his lips meet your own his body presses down on yours.

This kiss this time is more rough. You are both filled with lust for each other. Filled with hate for the lifestyles you were forced into. But with each other, it doesn't matter.

You reached for Anakin's shoulders and quickly began to remove the pesky layers of his robes.

Anakin shudders as you remove his robes, his body tingling with pleasure as he removes his shirt quickly, revealing his muscular chest.

He glances towards the door, where guards would typically be stationed, and then his eyes meet yours.

"Now and forever," he whispers, staring at you with longing and lust in his eyes. "Nothing else matters. Only you."

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