Chapter 1 :)

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Cody yawned as he got up, he remembered he's starting drama high, I know what your thinking no it's not a theater school it's just called drama high. Cody hummed to himself as he picked his outfit for the day getting into the shower. He couldn't wait to start fresh in this new school, and even better with Justin, Harold, and Trent. They are all apart of a band called The Drama Brothers. Fancy? I know.

Harold was the lead singer and switched with Cody in back up and also played drums sometimes, Trent played guitar as a backup singer, Justin played the more small percussion instruments also a back up singer, and Cody played keyboard switching from back up to lead singer with Harold.

Cody tossed on his Navy teal cargos, a button up shirt throwing a yellow shirt with 2 green and red stripes on it over it all. He finished off his outfit with his olive green high top adidas. He cheeseily posed in front of his stand up mirror doing finger guns smiling. "Looking good Cody!" He grinned looking at his hair as his smile slowly turned into a frown.

He grabbed a comb and brush styling his hair going back to his horrible posing. "I'll be collecting girls like Pokémon" he winks in the mirror grabbing his bag and tell him mom he's heading off to school. During his walk he decided to text his friends he's excited and on his way to school.


Cody-Guys I'm almost at school, can't wait to be the known school band.

Trent-Me too! Can't wait to have you here bud!

Harold-Gosh include me I'm special too!

Justin-We see you everyday..

Harold- appreciate me gosh!

Cody-Okay.. Trent any idea where we can practice our music during school hours?

Trent-Oh yea, they recently added a study hall period for everyone, we can definitely play during that period in the music hall. Sounds good to everyone?



Cody-sounds great see you at school guys!

As Cody came close to the school he saw Trent with his guitar on his back, Harold looking at something on his phone, and Justin looking in a hand mirror. Cody decided to scared them so he went around the school and snuck up behind them screaming in their ears.

Justin just thwipped his head around squinting at Cody while Harold and Trent screamed like girls. "This school is bigger than i thought" Cody said holding his back pack straps.

"You get used to in eventually " Justin said in a calm tone picking up the mirror he dropped. "CODY MY MAN" Harold shouted hugging Cody with one arm. "Cody do you have a schedule yet?" Trent said looking down at him. "Yep, first period I have..English! Come on man not English!" Cody whaled.

"Oh lucky Cody, that teacher is the best, Mr.Hatchet" Harold said staring at Cody. "The only bad thing is I'm assigned to sit next to Beth." Justin said rolling his eyes. "Ohhh nahhh... I feel so bad for you, I hope I get sat next to someone good." Cody said looking down.

The bell rung but due to Harold rambling to Cody about the school he didn't hear, a teacher then called them out for talking in the hallway during class and yelled at them to get to class making Cody late.

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