Chapter 9 :)

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I know I just posted but for 300 reads I'm doing a bonus chapter!


A Monday, which means today I see Cody! I smile and walk into the school setting my violin into the music hall and walking to my first period. I see Cody already in his seat and I make my way over. I sit down taking a book out before class started.

Didn't take long until Mr.Hatchet got started. Just then Cody passes a note to me reading 'Should I sing something, be on drums, or keyboard later?' I look next to me to see him starring at me. 'Anything on keyboard? I've only seen you sing with it. Maybe a song where you just play keyboard would be cool.' I wrote back passing it. His face lit up.

He's adorable. Just then the bell rang sending me to orchestra. I took my violin out and spotted Cody walking in. He looked at me and waved and I walked over to him. "I thought you weren't in this class?" I say . "I switched a class and I play piano for the orchestra now" he smiled.

"That's so cool! Can I request a song before class starts?" I say. "Sure! I know some." He says back. "Okay, can I request Gymnopédie No.1 by Philippe Entremont?" I smile. He smiles. "I love that song, of course." He walked over to the piano and put his hands on the piano.

He started to play and people stopped what they were doing and looked over to Cody some tilting their heads and some jaw slightly open. He was pretty sitting at the piano playing so elegantly. The instructor walked in and watched him play too.

He looked happy, he smiled as he played and the song ended and everyone did a little applause. Then the teacher began to speak. "Thank you for that calming intro. This is a Cody Anderson and he will be joining us to play the piano for the orchestra." The teacher said and Cody smiled. I sat down using the rosin on my bow.

"We will be playing a duet between Violin and Piano, the song is Kreutzer violin sonata No.9". "We will pick out best Violinist here to duet with Cody...... Noah! You will play this song with him. Come on and sit next to him on the piano bench but make sure he has room" the teacher says.

I smile hearing I get to play with Cody for this song. I sit next to him and he gets ready to play. "You okay?" He whispered. "Yea you?" I whisper back. "Yea" he whispered and smiled. The teacher told us to start when ready. Cody nodded at me and I began and so did he.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see him with his tongue out. As he needed to get to the right side of the piano I slowly stood up and continued playing allowing him to move. When i finished I looked up and quickly looked at him finishing the song off and ending it.

The teacher and class applauded for us and me and him looked at each other I blushed walking back to my seat but he grabbed my arm whispering in my ear. "I don't think it'll be able to play keyboard after this today sorry" "it's okay, I love when you sing." I whisper back and smile as I look at him walking away I see he turned red. Why did I say that!


Omg omg omg! He just said he loves when I sing!!! Also that was like one of the hardest things ever, my fingers hurt. The bell rang meaning I get to see Trent and talk to him about this! I walked to my class with him and sit down next to him smiling. "I'm assuming orchestra went good?" He said.

"I got to play a duet with Noah, he plays violin! And I told him I don't think I can play keyboard today and he said "I love when you sing" like OH MY GOD!!" Fangirling over what he said but Trent just laughed. "What's so funny mr.never been complimented." I say sticking my tongue out.

"Nothing just seeing you all over a boy is so funny. So your singing then, what song?" Trent says. "Not sure but I'll probably think of one during lunch or we can ask Harold and Justin." I say raising an eyebrow. "Sure." Trent says.

I think about what Noah said and I blush. Progress.

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