Chaper 2 :)

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Small A/N

Sorry I took like forever I've been calling my friend since 8 in the morning and it's 2:28 am..


An poor embarrassed late Cody stumbled in the classroom loudly apologizing to the teacher making everyone in the class turn their heads and hold in laughter. "Why are you late to my class." Mr.Hatchet said disappointed shaking his head pinching his nose.

"IWASINTHEHALLWAYTALKINGTOSOMEBODYANDATEACHERYELLEDATMEMAKINGMEFORGETMYWHOLEWAYHEREPLEASEMR.HATCHETFORGIVEMEIMSORRY." Cody yelled out making no sense to the teacher making him squint and and look at the seating chart. " sit next tooo...Noah Sterecra, Noah raise you hand so the new student can find you." Noah just raised his hand eyes locked on his book making Cody squint with confusion. "Okay then.." Cody awkwardly waddled over to The table Noah was at sitting next to him.

"Hello you must be Noah Sterecra, I'm Cody, Cody Anderson!" Cody said smiling showing his tooth gap making Noah move back a little scared at the excitement "Okay.. Question, Are you always this confident and loud." Noah said sarcastically expecting to get Cody to shut up. "Yep!" Cody smiled again but less obnoxiously making Noah feel butterflies, having this feeling he quickly turned back to his book hoping Cody didn't see him blush but in response Cody just made a cartoony confused face and turned away to listen to the teacher.

NOAH'S POV (First Pov 🌝)

As the teacher went on about something i quickly tuned him out to study the new student Cody, wait..that sounded stalkish, I'm not stalking am I?! Whatever, I look at his side profile, his jawline and cute little nose is so perf- CUTE?! PERFECT?! I don't even know this kid what am I thinking! I mean I know I'm gay but calm down...Anyway, his eyes, so teal, not to light and not to dark, perfect eye shape, his hair is cute- NOAH COME ON MAN PAY ATTENTION TO THE TEACHER NOT CODY.

The bell rang, shoot did I really stare at Cody for that long, I see Cody comes over to me and starts to talk. "I saw you staring me is there something wrong with how I look? My hair? My clothes?!" Cody said nervously staring at me, I felt kind of bad for once. "No it's ok you look perfe- Fine! You look okay.. sorry I just zoned out." Omg I almost called him perfect to his face! What is wrong with me!!


Noah might have thought Cody didn't hear him almost say perfect but he did, Cody just simply played it off accepting the apology but as soon as he turned his body he was red.


I really hope you guys are enjoying the story and don't forget you can comment ship/freindship ideas in the comments!

Again sorry for the delay! And I'm aware my chapters are short, I'm very new so give me a break 🌝.

Again sorry for the delay! And I'm aware my chapters are short, I'm very new so give me a break 🌝

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