Chapter 3 :)

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That new kid Cody just kinda ran out right after I said sorry, maybe I didn't something wrong? Nah who am I kidding, I'm perfect... kidding...not really. I have math class next with my bud Owen, maybe I could talk to him about it in maths, he has good advice, sometimes....

As I sat down in my class I had a thought in my head... what if he heard I called him cute and perfect! I think aloud sometimes! I know it's not a big deal but what's if he's a pro life straight that doesn't accept gay people and tells the whole school! Just then Owen took me out of my thoughts by shaking my shoulders obnoxiously.


"Buddy! My man! Noah!" Owen started to shake Noah by grabbing his shoulders snapping him out of thought. "Are you ok you started sweating bad, I only sweat that bad when I need to go number 2" Owen said looking concerned. "1. Ew Owen, TMI, 2. Yea I'm okay, just the new kid" Noah said putting his face in his hands. "Oooo do you like him, I know that sad look!" Owen said smiling widely in Noah's face.

"Y-NO!" Noah corrected him self fast but not fast enough. "Was that a cut off yes I heard?" Owen said giggling. Noah just looked to the opposite side of Owen pouting saying
"Perhaps!" Owen just crossed him arms looking down. "FinemaybeIdolikehimhesjustsocutefromeveryangleandhesperfectineverywayandeventhoughIonlysaidmaybeatotalof5wordstohimimcrushingbigtime!" Noah yelled but not loud enough for others to heard.

"All I heard was Like, Cute, and Big time" Owen said confused. "Fine maybe I do like him he's just so cute from every angle and he's perfect in every way and even though I only said maybe a total of 5 words to him I'm crushing big time." Noah said slowed down. "Okay wow that make a lot of sense the second time! Crazy how that works!" Owen said smiling making Noah just bang his head on desk in annoyance.

"Well, are you gonna talk to him more tomorrow, I mean you could have another period together but you have honors everything but math.." Owen said scratching him neck. "I'm probably going to wimp out and not talk to him tomorrow" Noah said sadly. "It's okay bud you can talk to me!" Owen said hugging Noah. "We don't have honors classes together." Noah said with a straight face. "Oh yea I forgot." Owen said frowning


I just walked away flustered, did a boy I just met almost call me perfect! I feel my face with my hands, wow my face his hot (😏😏). Well good thing I have my next class with Trent, he's good to talk to. I sit down in my chair next to Trent as he just looked up from sheet music from one of our songs.

"Uhh Trent can I talk to you about something that just happened in my first period.." I said looking at Trent. "Sure, what's on your mind?" Trent said reassuringly. "Well first I got sat next to this kid and at first it was like he had no interest in me at first but the second time I spoke he just melted into a weird nice face, and he just looked at my the whole class, and at the end of class he almost called me perfect!" I said semi-shouting.

"Well, he might have a crush on you? Imagine a new kid new school and your collecting people like Pokémon already!" Trent say looking back down at his music. "Crush?!ON ME?! No no no you got the wrong Cody, people never have a crush on me." I was confused on what Trent meant, I've never had someone crush on me...could somebody have a crush on me?

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