Chapter 11 :)

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It's a Tuesday and finally me and Harold are switching spots, I've been singing almost everyday! Nice for a change to play something else. We decided over messages to play 'Creep' today.

Me being on drums, Trent on guitar of course, and Justin is playing any extras. May not seem like Justin does anything but he really does. I slip on my clothes and go down stairs to see my brother before heading off (why does everyone make him an only child, like I get it's cannon but give him some other family besides his parents😔🙏🏼).

"Sup little man" I say, he's 12, and I'm 16, meaning he's like 4 years younger than me. "Hi Cody!" He says cheerfully. "Met any girls at school" I say teasing making both of my eye brows bop a couple times.

"No" he looks away and smiles. "I saw that smile who is it!" I say. "Nobody..!" He says defensively. "I'll find out one day." I say sounding determined. "How Piano for the orchestra going?" He says taking a bite of his toast. "Pretty good" I say. "How the whole drama brothers thing working out" he says.

"Oh it's great! Every music hall we play a song and tons of kids from the school come to watch us!" I say excited. "Well that's good yea" he says. "Yea and I talk to Noah after every song" I say dazing off.

"Who's Noah?" He said raising an eyebrow. "Nobody!" I say quickly."uh huh.." he says unsure. "Well I'm off to school" I say ."excited to see Noah" he says "y-NO you don't even know him" I run out not wanting to hear him.

I walked to school putting on the song we are playing later air playing the drums. Just then not paying attention I bump into Noah. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I say worried.


I stand there on my phone then suddenly a kid bumps into me. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" The kid says.i look up and see Cody and I mentally deleted the entire paragraph in my mind.

"It's okay" I look to my side a pretend to be mad. "Noah!" He starts laughing at my sarcasm making me smile that I made him laugh. The bell rings. "Come on don't want to be late to class!" I grab his hand and drag him through the crowded hallways.

I hear him laugh behind me as I pull him through. "You're a natural at pushing through people!" He says. "Been doing it for years sadly"I respond. As we finally get to class I let a sigh out we walk in still holding hands.

After we get to our seats we both in sync look at each other, look at each others hands, then look back at each other. We both turn red and stop holding hands. I just held my crushes hand! And it felt so natural!


After he let go of my hand I turned red and sat in my seat. I look to him and he's reading a book, classic Noah. Soon later the bell rings again meaning the class starts.

Mr. Hatchet starts yapping on about something I could care less about. I look to Noah and catch him staring at me and he turns red. Did Noah just stare at me, get caught by me, and turn red when I did! Omg! Maybe Trent was right. I don't want my hopes up but maybe.

The bell rang sending me to orchestra. I get up and start to walk when I feel my arm getting grabbed and I turn around to see Noah. "Want to uhh... walk to class together?" He said offering. "Oh uh sure!" I accepted.

"I can't wait to play piano more, I rarely get to show my mad skills off" I said pointing finger guns. "Uh huh.." he said wide eyed. "Come on you heard me while you played your puny little banjo." I say . "Rude!" He said jokingly.

Then we get to orchestra and I sit down on my piano bench and he goes to his spot.

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