Chapter 15 :)

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Cody's gonna be a little Italian in this fic 😘


As the song seemed to end I open my eyes and sit up seeing its just me and Cody in the bed. He looks up at me and then my older sister bursts in the room. "NOAH YOUR SLEEPING WITH A BOY?" She yells to tease me. "No we're just listening to music and hanging out!" I yell annoyed.

"Should I go?" Cody bites his nails. "For the best yea" I say making a fake sad face. I give him his AirPod and he gets his stuff and I hear the door shut making me sigh. Why did they just leave me with him! What more of a reason to yell at them.

Next day? Bro I don't know 🙏🏼

I get up angry and ready to yell at my friends, I shower, blow dry my hair, and put some clothes on. I grab my bag and walk into the kitchen to grab a snack or something spotting my sister that said I slept with Cody.

"Hey Noah, how's the boyfriend." She says. "Shut up he's not my boyfriend!" I say back angrily. I grab a piece of toast running out and slamming the door. I begin my walk to school and read some book on the way.

I arrive as soon as soon as the bell rang. Still being at the front door I run to my class to see Cody playing with something and biting his tongue. "What are you doing." I say sitting down. "Mini Rubix cube" he says showing me. "Oh, they make that small?" I say, I know they do I just want to continue the conversation cause you know. (He wants to talk to Cody for longer🧐)

"Yea look!" He says happily and hands my the cube. "Okay.." I respond and began to try solving it and maybe after 2 minutes I solved and and looked at Cody and his mouth was open. "I was never able to solve that!" He says happily as I hand it back to him.

Just then class starts and I lean back in my chair and stare at Cody. Just like the first day staring at Cody, maybe 5 minutes of staring at him I fall backwards out of my chair causing mr.hatchet to get mad. "Noah did you fall out of your chair" he yells.

"Sorry I was leaning back" I say still in the spot I fell in. "Don't let it happen again, you know leaning in chairs is not allowed here, it's a safety hazard." He said getting back to teaching. I look up and see Cody holding his hand out and I take it and he pulls me up. "You ok?" He whispered looking genuinely concerned. Cute.

"Yea, I'm good" I whispered back. I sit back in my chair and pay attention to the teacher this time because I obviously don't wanna fall out my chair again, that seriously hurt. Then the bell rang sending me to orchestra, all I remember is learning a new song and staring at Cody.


The bell rang taking me from 2nd to 3rd period, meaning I get to talk to Trent about Noah, gossip time for me. I walked to my class and sat down next to Trent. "You know that mini rubix cube you got me that I couldn't solve?" I say waiting for an answer. "Yea what about it" he raises his eyebrow.

"Well Noah figured it out and solved it for me!" I say happily smiling. "You seem a little to happy about that.. you should just tell him you like him, I really think he likes you" he said looking at me. "Yea yea sure he does" I say sarcastically. "I really think he does, I don't know why you don't think so, also today we won't play anything" Trent says.

"Oh okay" I say looking sad but really I was happy because maybe I could talk to him... Noah I mean! Later the bell rang sending us to lunch and since we aren't playing today we spilt up at lunch leaving me alone. I sit on a bench and then someone sits nexts to me, I look up to see Noah's friend, Gwen.

"Can I help you?" I question. "Yea can me and friends sit with you?" She said raising an eyebrow. "Sure.." I say confused, and maybe 5 minutes later 5 people sit with me including Noah. "So Noah said he loved your voice and he listened to it on rep-" Izzy started. "SHUT UP IZZY" Noah yelled at her.

"Uhh.." I say awkwardly. "Sorry about that" Noah said making a face at Izzy.

Soon the bell rang sending me off to study hall, since me and my band aren't playing I'm gonna ask Noah to help with my opera lessons, he's a violinist and I'm currently working on singing 'Le Donna é mobile'! I haven't sung Italian for anyone except for my family.

Im Italian from my dads side and American from my moms, I don't look that Italian but trust me I am. "Hey uh Noah, I have to practice for something and since you play the violin I think you could help me!" I say walking up to Noah. "Oh uh sure! I play a lot of songs so I dought it's not something I can't play" he brags making me laugh.


Cody and Noah walk to the music hall just talking about music, Cody hadn't told Noah the he sings some opera and takes lessons for it. When they got to the music hall Noah got his violin and realized Cody didn't sit at the piano. "Why aren't you sitting at the piano, are we not gonna play?" He asked Cody confused. "I forgot to tell you I'm singing, you know how to play 'Le Donna é moblie'." Cody said in a somewhat Italian accent.

"Yea, but your singing style isn't really fit for that song" he said using rosin on his bow. "Just let's do it" Cody said mentally slapping his face. Noah got up and Cody nodded signaling Noah to start playing. Soon after Cody started to sing and his opera voice was loud and deep and was fit for the octave Noah's violin was playing in.

Noah raised his eyebrows when Cody started singing in an Italian opera voice. Soon after 30 seconds some kids walked in expecting it to be a violinist just practicing with an audio but to their surprise it was the new student Cody. People started to record and Noah smiled at Cody singing and Cody moved his hand motioning for Noah to speed up his violin playing.

Soon after the song ended students and even some teachers started to clap and the music teacher walked over. "I had no idea you could sing opera!" The teacher said to him smiling. "I've been taking lessons for a while now! Glad I could impress." Cody said smiling.

Meanwhile Cody was getting compliments Noah was on the side still blushing from Cody's singing and the new found fact that he is also half Italian.


Sorry for not posting I've been in New York, posting schedule will be back on track🫶🏻🫶🏻

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