Chapter 12 :)

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The teacher asked me if I was okay playing a piano solo so I could show the class how the piano works, I'm very nervous because I don't play for most people. I know I'm in the band and I'm out going but when I'm under pressure it's hard.

"Okay class, if you remember yesterday our best violinist and our pianist played a violin sonata, we are going to break it down, many maybe all know what a violin solo sounds like, but Cody is going to play piano solo called.." he signaled for me to say the name. "It's called Ouverture nach Französischer Art, BWV 831 by Bach, Johann Sebastian, usually played on a harp sicord but I will be playing it on the piano." I say trying to sound formal.

The class looks at me and then the teacher nods telling me to go when I'm ready. (If you go to listen to the song he's playing look for the once with the cover as a table with a candelabra.)

I put my hands on the first notes and start playing. This piece isn't to hard just a lot of movement. I hope Noah's lookin- nevermind.


Cody is like so good at piano, and this looks hard, he's moving all the over the place! I look around and see people mostly watching in awe, and a couple taking notes on how he plays. Hes so adorable when he plays.

He sticks his tongue out when he focuses, I guess he doesn't know that he does that. He is very focused, he focuses better on the piano then he does in 1st period! I guess he just loves music. I mean who doesn't!

It's a 3 minute piece and he played it perfect. Soon after he finished I looked around for a second time and some people looked happy and some people looked amazed. I looked back at Cody and he turned around and looked at me and k gave him a thumbs up and he smiled.

"Thank you Cody for that nice song, did everyone take notes?" Shit I forgot, I was so busy watching Cody and didn't! I tried to remember him playing and wrote down what I could and turned it in.

The bell rang and Cody ran over to me. "Was I bad? Did I look weird? How did people react? Did they laugh at me?" He responded frantically. "No everyone basically in awe at how good you play the piano" I say.

"Were you?" He says, weird question to ask somebody, I hope he doesn't think I like him, I know I do but he doesn't have to know.. "yea, your so good at the piano, you look so ad- focused when playing!" I say almost slipping up a word.

"Well got to go to class by Noah!" He says running off, he's adorable! You can't hate him! Next class is math with Owen, yay. (Sarcastic yay bear with me🤞🏻🤞🏻).  I walked into my class and immediately Owen started talking.

"Noah Noah hiii buddy!!" He says cheerfully, I don't get it. "Sup" I sit down and take out a book. "Anything with Cody?" He says making me freeze. "Uhh.. who's Cody???" I try and play it off.

"The new kid you have a crush on!" Ehh.. "oh he plays the piano for my orchestra class now he's very good" I say. "I wish I could play and instrument! Maybe the flute" Owen says staring off. "The flute might be small for you.." I respond making him frown and then class started.

Owen then passed me a note reading 'I told Izzy and Eva you like Cody, oops' I closed my eyes and sighed and responded 'I bet Izzy is bursting with joy knowing a have a crush' I added a sarcastic face to the note passing it back to Owen.

'She wants you to tell her about him at lunch' he wrote. 'She's like a mom' I passed it back again sand I heard Owen laugh. Can't wait to tell Izzy and Eva all about Cody. (Sarcasm😜).

The bell rings sending me and Owen to lunch. "Sorry bud when someone tells me a secret I must tell." Owen said looking down. "It's fine I guess, It's better to talk to them about it now then it is for them to find out if we do you know.." I say not actually saying dating, that word just is weird to say in public for me.

Me and Owen spotted Izzy and Eva and sat down with them. After sitting down I spotted Cody and his band sitting a table across from the room discussing stuff about music probably.

His hair is cute today, I think it's always like that but today I swear it got cuter.


As Noah looked at Cody from across the room memorized it grabbed Izzy, Owen, and Eva attention making them look at what he was looking at. "Noah is that the Cody crush you have!!" Izzy said snapping Noah out of his thoughts.

"Oh uh who no who said I had a crush" Noah panicked. "Owen told us" Eva responded with her arms crossed. "Maybe I have a crush, just look at how adorable he is, he's cute right? I'm not tripping!" Noah said looking crazy. "Uh huh.." Eva said and Izzy said "haha Noah has a crush on a boy". "What ever" Noah says going back to staring at Cody.


Out of the corner of my eye I see Noah staring at me so I decided to wave just to you know at hi. I smile and wave and he smiled and waved back. "What was that huh?" Trent said giving me a look. "Noah" I put my head on my hands and melt while saying his name.

"You're weird.." Justin says. "Okay atleast I don't look in a mirror 24/7" I respond getting defensive. "Eh." He just said unbothered.

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