Chapter 14 :)

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Weird of them to just ask me to come over, only good thing is that Noah's gonna be there! Just then Owen sent me the address and I go downstairs and then my brother gets in my way. "Where you going" he questions. "Noah's" I respond. "Oh are you two dating now?" He said making me embarrassed. "No." I look down.

"Cheer up bro, now go get them or what ever the elders say." He walked off, weird. I can't believe he thinks it's that easy to get a boyfriend or girlfriend, just wait till he's 16. I check my outfit to make sure I look good, I'm wearing a grey tank with a grandpa sweater over, with baggy jeans being held with a studded belt, and my shoes are my white dirty converse.

I grab my messenger bad carrying my charger, headphone, laptop, phone, and AirPods. I pull up the address seeing it's not far and start my walk to it. I put on some radio head and Bop my head as I walk and decided to text Owen the kid who invited me that I'm almost there.

Me- Almost there

Owen-cool! Noah said he's excited to see you

Ten seconds later

Owen- pretend you never saw that message


DID OWEN JUST SAY NIAH WAS EXCITED GO SEE ME?! OMG OMG. Maybe Trent was right, shouldn't get my hopes up but maybe. Maybe after 10 minutes I arrive and stare to Noah's house, cute. 2 story grayish blue house. I walked up too the door and start to knock on it.

I look at my phone just to look back up from a girl with black and teal hair opening the door. "Sup, you Cody?" She says as I take one side of my headphones on my ear. "Yea, are you one of Owen's and Noah's friends?" I say. "Yea huh" she responded letting me in.

I look by the door seeing everyone's shoes and took mine off. (He's wearing socks😭🙏🏼). "Come on, his room is upstairs" she walked up signaling me to follow. I peak into the room and wave seeing Noah, Owen, a muscular girl with black hair, the same black and teal haired girl, and a ginger.

"Hello.." I just say quietly walking into the room. "Step out for a sec" the ginger tells me. "Okay.." I step out and listen. "Really Noah, thought it's could pick better" "just get to know him" Noah responded making me smile. "Come back in Cody" I hear the ginger again and I walk in.

"Come over here!" Owen said smiling. "Okay hold up" I say kneeling while putting my bag down and grabbing my phone and air pods. "Noah, can I just put my bag here" I look back at him. "Yea.." he said trailing off the yea as he looked at me. That was weird, I just walked over and sat next to him.

I looked to him and he was smiling so I just smiled back. "So.. what now?" I say looking around. "We could take turns playing horror games?" Ginger girl requests me look at her with fear, I'll sit on but I'll watch. "Everyone good with with that?" The muscle girl said.

"Uh.." I try to ask the girl with black and teal hair were she got her shoes from but I didn't know her name causing Noah to look to me. "Here I'll help, the girl with the dyed hair is named Gwen, the crazy ginger is Izzy, and the the one in blue is Eva." He said looking at them. "Thanks, I wanted to ask Gwen where she got her shoes, saw them at the door" I say sighing.

"Well now you can." He looked at me again. I just smile and sit on the bed and put an AirPod in.


I wonder what Cody is listening to, I hate to annoying him but I want to maybe share an AirPod with him? I lay down next to him. "Watcha listening to" I say. "You wouldn't like it" I said laughing. "Let me hear" I put out a hand allowing him to put his other AirPod in my palm.

I put it in and the song restarts, the song 'f-cking boyfriend' came on and we both closed our eyes and just tooned the other out and listened to it.


I turn around for a Second to see Noah and Cody listening to music sharing head phone laying in Noah's bed with their eyes closed. They cute together not gonna lie. "Look" I nudged the others making them look to them.

"Awhhh" Owen and Izzy say. "Eh" Eva says disagreeing. "They should date" Izzy rubbed her chin and squinted. "No duh" I say rolling my eyes. "Idea! We should take a pic of them together and leave so they hang out alone!" Izzy suggested. "Smart, even for you" Eva said.

Everyone takes a separate picture of the two and packs and leaves. I really hope it turns out good for them.

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