Chapter 13 :)

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I sit in my room and decide to listen to The Drama Brothers, Cody's band. I put on everyone adores you, the first song I heard Cody sing. I listen to his voice and just sit on the floor of my room head in my knees listening to the beat and Cody's voice.

When I song ended I replayed it over and over again then someone texted me. I look at my phone and see Gwen messages me.


Gwen- Me, Izzy, Eva, and Owen are coming over

Me- Thanks for the warning and inviting yourself

Gwen-open up


I open the door and lead them to my room. "Why are you over here?" I say thinking it must be important. Izzy then saw my phone and saw music was playing. "Watcha listening to?" She says to me. "Nothing.." I say hoping she didn't see I've been listening to Cody sing for 1 hour straight.

She then spots my air pods and we look at Each other squint eyed as she stretches her arm to reach it. She quickly grabs my left AirPod putting it in. "Who's singing?" She looked at me and I looked away and in a muffled voice I say. "Cody.." Gwen looked at me and laughed "how long you been listening to the song, it's on repeat." Gwen says .

I shrink back further "one hour?" Just then everyone burst of laughing. "Shut up!" I get mad. "Can we listen to some of the music?" Even interrupts everyone. "Oh uh sure I'll put the song I was just listening to on" I say connecting my speaker and putting it on.


As the song plays loudly I see Noah staring lovingly off on the wall. "Bro I think blud likes Cody I don't know though" I whisper to everyone but Noah. "For real" Eva responded. "Just look at the way he melts at Cody's voice!" Izzy whispered back happily.

"Yea, it's weird" I whisper. "Hey don't dis Noah and his first crush he's comfortable enough to tell us about!" Owen whisper yelled. "Just look at him he looks so out of it listening to Cody's voice!" Eva whispered yelled defending Owen's point. "Eh, I don't get the hype" I whisper.

"We just said he's never acted this lovey about someone around us!" Izzy whispered yelled. "Meh" I whisper back then the song ends snapping Noah out of his little trance. "You good bud?" Owen says. "Yea" Noah smiled weirdly at all of us.


Did I seriously just act like that around my friends! They probably think I'm weird, I've never been like this for someone in-front of anyone and I've never been like this in general. I wonder why, I mean like I know but I don't.

"Oooo we should call Cody!" Izzy suggested making me deadpan. "Noah's nervous!" Gwen laughed at me. "I don't have his number" I say quietly. "How you gonna talk to him everyday, and listen to his music on repeat and not have his number bro" Gwen says to me disappointedl.

"I have it, he's in my last period and i asked for his number so he could help me with homework when I need, he's smart" Owen said sending all eyes on him. "CALL HIM" Izzy yelled. "NO DONT CALL CODY!" I yell back, what if they tell him! "Maybe he can come over and you two can hangout??" Gwen tried luring me in to letting Owen call him.

And she did. "Call him!" I say excitedly looking to Owen. "Okay calling now" Owen calls Cody and he picked up after 12 seconds. "Sup, need help with homework?" Cody says on the other side of the phone, his voice sounds adorable.

"No, wanna hang out?" Owen said loudly into the speaker. "Odd question" he responded. "Eva, Izzy, Gwen and Noah are here" Owen said. "Noah's there? I'm that case I'll be there send me the address. Be there soon." Then Cody hangs up.

"Only needed to tell Cody your coming, I think he likes you" Izzy poked my shoulder. "Shut up" I roll my eyes
. I can't believe Cody, my crush is coming to my house to hang out!


Sorry for being late and this chapter sucks kinda 😔

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