Chapter 18. Away

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It's been a few days. Haerin and I have been busy with our schedules, so there isn't much time to spend with each other. I'm fine with it.

In my office, my personal phone rings. I pick it up and it's Haerin.

"What is it?" I ask politely.

"Tomorrow, I'm going leaving to another Country."

"Haerin, that isn't for another week."

"I know, but my manager said they have changed the date. It's on the sixteen now."

"Alright. Thanks for telling me," I end the call then focus back on my data sheet.

I end my day at 9pm then head home. Entering the house, I see Haerin watching TV. I make my way up the stairs then to my room. I change into comfortable clothes then go downstairs to join Haerin.

"You have a bruise," I notice it on her shin.

"Always happens," she smiles.

"You're clumsy or what?"

"I guess I am."

"I don't have any cream that can help you with that. Have you made dinner?"

"Your favorite," I smile before going to the kitchen. I put a good amount of pasta on my plate then return to Haerin. "Better be good," I smile then stab some pasta with the fork, and then eat it. I moan and Haerin laughs at me.

"Was that necessary?" She ask.

"It's good, so I have to compliment the chef who made this," I turn to her and lean in. "Have you tried it yourself?"

"Of course I have," Haerin gets up then went to the kitchen. She came back with a napkin then wipe my mouth.

"Thanks," I said before eating the pasta again.


After Dani finish with her dinner, she went upstairs. I was back being alone again. I turn off the TV and zoom out immediately.

"Haerin, Mina told me that you want to retire after the the big competition. Is that true?" Mrs. Lisa ask.

"It is, "I confirm.

"How come?"

"I just want to take some times off of ballet," I explain.

"But you could be making more money with that time off."

"I value my health more than money."

"Health. Haerin, are you okay?"

"I am."

"Well your contract ends in May. Take your time to think over it. My opinion would be, continuing what you love to do."

"Okay, I'll think about it."

I will not do a ballet anymore after this. It has took a toll on me.

I head upstairs to my room but stop outside the bathroom when I hear Dani singing. Never have she done that, but she should start doing it more often. I smile and enter my room.

"You got everything you need?" Dani ask me when she see me coming with my luggage behind me.

"I think so," I smile.

"I will drop you off at the airport," she offers. I decline her and say that Mina Unnie will pick me up, that way it'll be easier. "Alright then. I also made another key card so here you go," She hand me a key card and I take it.

"That's better. I no longer have to wait outside in the cold for you to return," I smile and is pull to her. Her thumbs caress my hips and I slowly breathe out. I look into Dani's eyes then hold her face between my hands before giving her a deep kiss. "Don't miss me too much," I whisper right before she rest her forehead against mine.

"Who would miss you?" She chuckles and step away. I scoff and flip the hair that's over my shoulder.

"Fine. I won't miss you too then," I hear car honks outside then look out the window. "Mina unnie is here. I'm going now."

"Haerin," Dani said my name but that was it. I look at her and she shakes her head. "It's nothing."

I nod then proceed to walk pass her and out the door. Mina unnie hop out to help me put my luggage in, and then I get in the car. Looking back to the house, I see Dani looking out the window at me. What was she going to say?


I can't believe I stop myself from telling her to be safe. What if she gets hurt? I'm suppose to watch her but here I am, watching her going off on her own with someone. I shake my head then get myself ready for my job.

"Dani, you have a visitor," my Assistant informs me just when I'm about to enter my room. I halt myself and look at her.

"A visitor?" I ask.

"A visitor," someone else confirms. Someone who sounds too familiar. I look behind me and stand there is Hanni. In a forest green shirt dress. "I got the news," I look away and walk to my office. "Dani, wait! I need answers! Dani!" My hand is grab and I'm pull to turn around.

"I'm a married woman, Hanni," I pull my hand away but she hold on tight. She is also holding my left hand, the hand with the ring.

"Everyone kept the news away from me. I just found out a few days ago and came here as fast as I could," her voice was cracking and shaking. "How could you do this to us?"

"We're just friends," I tell her.

"But I don't see us that way! I never did, Dani. How can you hurt me like this?"

"I'm sorry to break it to you, Hanni, but you should leave. There's nothing here for you to stay for," I pry my hand away then retreat to my seat.

"I'm not leaving," she claims. "Until you give me answers and take me to meet your parents."

I pick up the office phone and ask for security.

"Dani! You don't dare!" She yells. I stare at her as the security comes in. They take her away and I'm surprised that she didn't resist.

Well, what a hectic morning. Let's now tune in into our work. I scoot back and open the drawer but stop myself.

My ring.



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