Chapter 19. The Ring

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I get out of my seat and hurry after Hanni. Down the elevator to the lobby, I see the security returning.

"Where's the lady?" I ask.

"She left, Danielle," one tells me. I sigh before turn around and head back into the elevator. On the way up, my phone ring a bell noise because of a message. I check and it wasn't Haerin but Hanni. It was a picture of my ring. That slick bitch.

'What's the purpose behind this?' I text her.

'I won't let go.' She reply.

'You're going to end up hurting yourself."

'We will see.'

After the elevator door open, I walk out to my secretary. "Cancel all meetings, I'm in no mood," then I enter my room and lock myself.

Once awhile I would receive text messages from Hanni. I can't block her number because I need my ring back. It is a rare ring passed down, and made by my great great great great great grandpa. I guess I will have to let my mom know about this, while the fire is still small.

I dial my mom's number up and explain everything. She told me to keep things quiet, and to not let Haerin know about it.

"Mom, I'm coming over right now," I tell her. "See you in a bit," I end the call and leave the place.

I drive to my parents and pull into an open space. I put the key in my pocket rather than throwing it to a butler.

"Where's my mom?" I ask a maid.

"Backyard, Dani," she answer. I head there and then join my mom in the shade.

"What can I do?" I ask her. She pulls her shades off and look at me.

"That's for you to answer. I'm going to have a talk with her parents. What she did was out of line. Taking rings off, violates the Marsh's family rule. Her and her family will pay for it, and I don't care if we are friends!" Wow, mom. "Where is Haerin?"

"She left this morning," I answer, and didn't want to give out too much details because she will ask why didn't I go with Haerin.

I watch as my mom tap on her phone screen then put the phone against her ear. We waited and then she starts talking. She explain everything then basically insult whoever is on the other line. After she finishes, she turns to me.

"They will contact Hanni and make her return the ring. Rest assure, Dani," my mom pat my shoulder, but I just sigh and touch my ring finger.

I know Hanni isn't that type of person who is obedient. She will want a favor in exchange of something back.


"Haerin, you ready?" Mina Unnie ask me behind the close door. I grab my duffel bag and look around if I'm forgetting anything.

"Yes," I answer then leave my hotel room.

Mina and I got pick up by someone who's part of the staff team of the event. We got drop off at the event then went inside the building.

"Mina Unnie, maybe I won't do the third event," I announce out of the blue.

"Why not?"

"I'm just not feeling it."

"Are you losing interest in Ballet?" She question.

"I'm tired of competitions."

We went to our seats then I put on my ballet shoes to get a feel on the floor. After an hour the competition begins.

First place again. It could've be given to someone else but here I am, not giving them a chance. It puts guilt in me. I'd like everyone to know what it feels like to be first of something they love to do, because who wouldn't?

Mina Unnie and I left the event after it ends. I told her, I wouldn't want to stay any longer. She understood and then we pack our stuff and left to the airport.

I got drop off at home and use the card key Dani gave me to enter the house. I lock the door then head upstairs. Instead of putting my stuff away, I went to my bed.

About two hours later, I still couldn't fall asleep even though feeling exhausted. I hear the door open and Dani talking. A woman also reply back which I sit up. Why is someone else other than me or her is in this house? Is she cheating on me? The voice became closer as I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"You better give it to me," I hear Dani. "I'm done playing games."

My heart drop and mind race. Quickly, I get off my bed and went to the door. I reach for the door knob, but I stop myself.

"Why don't you just do it yourself," the woman challenge Dani.

That's enough! I open the door and step outside. Dani's back was towards me, but the woman saw me. She instantly smile then Dani look behind to see me.

"Haerin," her eyes wide.

"Explain this," I demand as my eyes pool with tears already. I shouldn't be weak but I can't help myself. I knew I couldn't trust Dani, but all these days we had a great time. We were understanding each other. It was love. A family with the two of us. Unless, it was all in my head. "I'm leaving," I said after she fails to give me an answer.

I rush pass her and she tries to grab my hand, but I pull it away from her reach.

"Haerin wait! You're misunderstanding this," I hear Dani following behind me. I quicken my pace to the first floor and grab my keys that hangs on the wall next to Dani's key. "Haerin," my hand is hold by her and I yank her hand off mine.

"Don't touch me!" I yell at her. "Stop fucking with me Dani. You just love hurting me so much you sadist! No wonder why you can't find no love! I'm going to leave, don't you fucking follow me or I'll have you arrest!" I glare at her one last time before leaving to my car.



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