Chapter 28. The Contract

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Silence fill the room after what I have confess to her. She looks shocked and her eyes moved from left to right. She then sits up and that made me straddle her.

"Y-You can't get pregnant overnight, Haerin. I don't think it works like that," she stutters. I take her hand and rest it against my stomach, against the baby who's now growing.

"I've been keeping it away from you. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier," Danielle's hand caress my stomach. She looks amaze.

"Then when did you found out?"

"When I was staying at my parent's house," Danielle lets out a shaking sigh before pulling me into a tight hug. I wrap my arms around her neck and rest my head against hers.

"You should've told me sooner. I wouldn't have let you go ballet competiton. It's dangerous for you," she whispers.

I pull away and look at her, face to face. "I know. That's why I didn't want to tell you yet."

"So does my parents know about this?"

"Everyone knows except for you," Danielle scoffs and hold me tighter.

"I'm not even mad. I'm happy but we need to get out of here and go home. No more ballet for you."

"But I'll be careful," I whine.

"Nope, we are heading home."

Danielle couldn't resist but touch my stomach when we sit on the couch. She kept talking to herself and I just listen.

"It feels so strange. And to think we were once like this, it's unbelievable," she mumbles. I run my fingers through her hair while smiling.

"Leave our baby alone," I push her hand away but then she put it back.

"I'm going to call to ask my mom how to take care of you," she quickly gets up and I watch her leave the area. As I wait, I'll just go on my phone, but pulling out my phone, a text appear.

From: Mrs. Lalisa. ''Call me when you are available.''

I guess I could call her right now. I dial her number and she instantly picks up.

"Hey Mrs. Lalisa, do you need something?" I ask

"I'm just wondering about your upcoming contract, have you made your decision?"

"I have," I tell her.

"And what is your decision?"

"I'm not going to sign the contract."

"Haerin, why?"

I see Danielle come back and sit by me. She holds my hand.

"I'm starting a family. Taking a break from ballet dance and competitions is the best for me right now."

"Does Danielle even love you?"

Danielle tries to take my phone but I refuse to let her. "I know Danielle. And I also know what's best for me so you leave her name out of your mouth."

"I will decide what's best for you, so this upcoming National Women's Professional Ballet Competiton, you are going to win the event for me, or else don't think you will get your freedom. Danielle also cannot help you out. Do as I say, Haerin."

The line went dead and I turn to Danielle.

"She can't do anything to you," Danielle rubs the back of my hand. "I will make sure nothing happens to you."

"But I don't want to sign the contract, Danielle."

"You don't have to and I will make sure you don't. You just have to promise me."

"What if she does something to you or-"

"She can't. We're untouchable. I will handle it, Haerin."

"No, I can handle it, Danielle. Give me time to think," Danielle pull me to her chest and I remain there as I think. "Danielle I'll do it," I push myself away and she hold my arms.

"In your condition, no. I'm not allowing you."

"I don't want to trouble you. I don't want to risk anything."

"Haerin, don't be stupid. You are putting our child at risk if you do that. It's better if we don't take that road."

"I won't give her what she wants. Trust me."


With a problem like this, I have let our parents know, especially Haerin's parents. So later when Haerin went out, I called her parents and tell then everything. They were really worry about it and said that they'll have a talk with the Director. If it doesn't work, it's possible that we have to take legal action.

Out the window, I see Haerin pull in with her car. I step out and wait until she park outside the door. This girl went to buy groceries without me. I open the door and take all the bags. When Haerin saw what I did, she sigh with a smile.

"Give me some to carry," she comes to me and was about to grab the bags on my left hand but I back away.

"I got this. Just put your car in the garage," I head back inside then set the groceries on the kitchen table. I organize everything away and she came to help. "Why didn't you tell me, I could've gone with you."

"I didn't think you'll want to come with me, maybe next time," she turns around, open the fridge, and bend over. I stare at her buttock. "It's fine," I clear my throat then play Ed Sheeran's music.

"Care for a dance?" I offer her my hand.

"I'd love to," she takes my hand and come closer. Haerin rest her head against my chest and we just step in circles to Ed's song 'Perfect'. Then she starts to sing the song to me. Wow, not only she's good at ballet, but also singing.

After Mr. and Mrs. Kang received Danielle's call, they immediately reach out to the Director Mrs. Lalisa. They waited and waited until the call is picked up. For good measures if the call goes wrong, they also record the call on another phone. So the phone that they're calling with, it's on speaker mode.

"Hello Kang," Mrs. Lalisa said.

"Hello Mrs. Lalisa, we would like to have a word with you about the contract," they said.

"Are you deciding for Haerin? If so, I'd like to hear your opinion," Mrs. Lalisa have a smile on her face on the other line. If Haerin's parents decides for her then it should be an easy ten year contract again.

"We know that we've been controlling Haerin's career and thanks to you, she is now a top star. But this upcoming contract, if Haerin doesn't want to sign it, please consider her choice."

"In the contract it stated that whatever competition I sign her up for, she will have to do it. Her contract ends in May this year, and the only event left is the National Women's Professional Ballet Competiton. She will have to do it."

"She can but there's a condition we would like you to know."

"What could that be?"

"Haerin is pregnant. ballet dance isn't safe for her," Mrs. Lalisa was taken surprise by this.

"How many months is she in now?"

"About a month now."

"I can't pull Haerin out of the competition. She will have to do it," Mrs. Lalisa quickly ends the call.

 Lalisa quickly ends the call

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