Carlos Sainz - you scared me

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This is a request by Donna806 btw :)

Y/n 's POV

I am now 7 months pregnant with a beautiful girl , well she better get her father's genes not mine and life is amazing. Carlos might be away from time to time but he still makes time for me and I appreciate it a lot. He makes sure that I am fine and he even brings me gift from all the different countries he has been visiting. He's been very supportive with all the pregnancy issues and he makes me feel like the luckiest person in this world.

It's a typical Friday morning but I still have a lot of things to do. I picked up my phone just to see his "Goodmorning mi niña hermosa" text which is also a part of my morning routine. I replied almost instantly remembering that I have to take care of Piñón and take him to the vet for his annual check up.

I got up after some time and I walked to the bathroom to pour some water on my face in order to wake up properly and feel a little bit energetic. Well it's not easy being 7 months pregnant and being home alone. After I was done I called Piñón but he never got to the bathroom. "Great" , I said and sighed "Now I have to go get him myself, thanks god Carlos' mother offered to accompany me to the vet. She's so sweet and has also been very helpful throughout this journey.

3rd person view

Y/n walked over to the stairs and as she she was walking downstairs she stepped on one of Piñón's squeaky toys and slipped , ending up unconscious on her apartment's floor. Just some minutes after Carlo's mother unlocked the door and stood there shocked. The shock and the adrenaline levels in her body got extremely high but she reached her purse and grabbed her mobile phone.

She immediately called an ambulance but she decided not to call Carlos yet because it would just add more stress to his already stressing race weekend. The ambulance came just some minutes after and picked both of them up. After they arrived at the hospital, Carlos' mom talked to the doctors about what she had witnessed and let them do their job.

Y/n 's POV

I woke up and just stared at some white walls which didn't really look like navy blue and grey themed apartment. I looked around but stopped because I felt super dizzy. My head is spinning and my mind is completely blank. The only thing that I remember is the fact that I wanted to make sure that Piñón is ready for his check up. After closing my eyes again for a while I got some strength to look around again. I felt something covering my mouth and when I stared at the tube which was attached to it I understood that it's an oxygen mask and something's up

Carlos' mom was sitting on a chair beside me and when she saw that I am awake she immediately spoke to me "Y/n how are you feeling? You fell off the stairs. I came just in time and called an ambulance when I saw you laying unconscious on the floor. Don't worry about the baby the doctor assured me that everything's fine.." I couldn't believe what I am just hearing but I only nodded

"I am feeling okay, just a bit dizzy, have you spoken to Carlos?.." I managed to say trying my best to smile at her because she's an actual saint. "Not really, I didn't want to stress him out before talking to a doctor first. I'll just call him now-".. she said but the doctor interrupted her by saying that he needs to have a quick private talk with me.

She smiled at him and walked to the door. The doctor greeted me and sat on my bed's side "You are extremely lucky do you know that?" he said and chuckled "The baby is fine and so are you. We are just keeping you for the night just to make sure that everything's fine and get your weekly ultrasound.." I listened to him and kinda felt less anxious about my condition. After some instructions he shook my hand and left allowing Carlos' mom to come back inside the room.

She came back with a big smile and a cup of coffee. "Somebody wants to talk to you.." she said and gave me her phone as she helped me take off my oxygen mask. When I stared at the screen I smiled seeing that she started a facetime call with Carlos.

"Hello mi niña , you scared me so much. I can't even remember the last time I was so scared. When my mom called me and said that you two are in a hospital I felt like somebody is praying on my downfall.." he started saying but I slowed him down "Wah wah slow down slow down , I am fine , you can see it yourself.." I said and laughed

"Mi niña, if I end up on the podium on Sunday, I'll point at the promise ring you gave me some months ago. Please take care I can't wait to see you next week.." he added and you couldn't help but just daydream about your future together.

Ay ay first oneshot alert, give it some love! Don't forget to request and we'll have a nice weekend y'all:)

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