Carlos Sainz - Please don't be in love with someone else

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You and Lewis Hamilton have been friends since you were kids. You were always there for him , from the start of his career until now. You just never had free time to follow him during his races because your university studies were very important. Well not anymore. You finally got your degree and you are free to do whatever you want.

Lulu 🦅
Hey y/n, I'll send you an email with your ticket info and hotel info. Can't believe that you'll actually make it to one of my races. If you need anything else just text me

Thanks Lewis, I can't wait to see you driving either

Lulu 🦅
I have been meaning to ask, since I don't have a relationship but I want to attend the after parties with a date. Will you accompany me?

I mean I have nothing better to do! Lol, I just hope that all those gossip sites won't start talking about us

Lulu 🦅
Don't worry, no journalists come to such parties.

You honestly couldn't believe that you are going to Australia just to see your best friend race. You started packing clothes for your trip. You checked your email for the info you needed and finally decided that it's time to go to sleep since tomorrow is gonna be very tiring.

Fast forward one day after and you are already in your hotel room. Everything is so pretty. You decided to call Lewis and he answered almost immediately. "Hey Lewis, everything is perfect. I am in love with the hotel room. Thanks for giving me this chance, when will we be able to see each other but you know irl. Calls and texts are nice but I have the chance to finally see you.." "I am coming back from a training session, wanna meet at the reception. We can get some coffee.." he said happily

"I am in.." you said "Well see ya in 10 minutes then.." You rushed to go get ready. After some time you took the elevator and soon enough you sat on a couch close to the reception desk. You saw Lewis and some other drivers coming but you immediately ran to him and hugged you. He picked you up swaying you around. "Can't believe that we can finally see each other.." he said and you smiled. "Can't believe that I am seeing my bestie after all this time too.." you said as he finally let you go.

"What happened to hello how are you.." you heard a guy behind Lewis saying "Oh screw you George, me and y/n are like Romeo and Juliet, except from the romance part. Btw George this is y/n my childhood best friend. Y/n this is George my teammate." Lewis said proudly and George went in for a handshake "It's nice to finally meet you Y/n, I have heard a lot of things about you.." George said as you shook his hand "I hope that Lewis does not defame me.." you said and both of them laughed.

You caught up with each other's news. Drivers and crew members were coming and go and the energy was great. "How do you feel about tomorrow.." you asked both Lewis and George "I mean we have to do good so that mercedes will get a lot of serious points which are very critical at this point.." George said and and Lewis nodded. "Okay looks like we should go back to our hotel rooms, we have a meeting with our team principal later.." Lewis then added. "okay then see you around.." you said as you hugged Lewis goodbye and waved at George.

You went back to your room and took a quick shower. You changed to a comfortable outfit and decided to spend some time beside the hotel's pool. You grabbed your laptop and your headphones and made your way there. You found an empty coffee table and sat there turning your laptop on and scrolling through your email.

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