Lando Norris - Gosh it's 3 am

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When your boyfriend Lando Norris finally got his summer break from racing and you wanted to spend as much time together as possible. You travelled all around Europe had the time of your lives. It was so beautiful and it was a nice escape from the reality. Lando knows how to balance his personal life and his work. He makes you feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

It was finally time for him to finally get back to work starting from European tracks. Hungarian grand Prix it is. Sadly you couldn't travel with him because you had to travel back to Italy, your home country to visit some relatives. Family reconnection is really important for you since you don't get to see them all the time.

It was one of those quiet and peaceful days that you spent on your own. At noon all your family was gathered in the living room in order to watch the race and cheer for Lando. It was truly amazing. Since he got P3 after a lot of pressure from Hamilton behind him. You couldn't be more proud. You decided to call him two hours after the race knowing that he would possibly be free by then.

"Hello y/n.." you heard him and you immediately smiled "Hello love , you did amazing today, I am so proud of you.." you said "I wish you were here y/n it was so nice to be back on the podium after so much time.." he said happily. "All my family was gathered in the living room in order to watch your race. You should feel special.." you said mocking him. "I do feel special, you should tell them that I miss them. We have a party tonight, what am I going to do without you accompanying me..?" he asked. "We'll see each other soon, we should just be patient at this point.." you replied

"I know but still I miss you so much y/n, I hope that you are having a nice time with my family. Please keep updating me about everything, I wanna know everything about your days in Italy..." he said. "Of course mister Norris. I love you.." you said "I love you more beautiful, can't wait to see you again. I have to go now.." he said and hanged up after saying goodbye.

You took a shower and went out for a run session. Italy is so beautiful, especially Rome. Being able to travel back to your hometown is so relaxing. You finally got the chance to visit places you used to visit when you were younger. You met up with a childhood friend and decided to go shopping.

You caught up on each other's news and it was truly amazing. But something was missing, someone was missing. Y'all went to your favourite restaurant. "I missed eating sushi.." you said. "Damn sushi is amazing, does Lando really hate it.." your friend Chiara asked. "He'd rather stay hungry, but at least he's trying some of it sometimes. He's making progress.." you said and laughed. "At least Italy has a lot of different food choices that he'll actually like.." Chiara added and y'all laughed together.

"Yes he's a big pasta fan.." you said smiling as your phone buzzed, only to show off your lock screen. A pic of you and him together after his first podium of the season. "What are your plans for the rest of the year..?" Chiara asked. "Well work mostly , and following Lando around with his races. You should come to his next race in Italy. I'll take care of your tickets.." you said with a wide smile. "I'll think of it y/n I'd really love to meet the person who's making my childhood best friend happy.." she added. "That's so sweet, and yes I think that Lando will like you because you are the same person to be honest. Both of you bring out my inner child.." you replied.

You decided not to pay attention to your phone that day and enjoy your time with Chiara. You even got a chance to talk to her parents since you visited your old neighborhood. "The time goes by so fast yet I feel like nothing has changed at all.." you managed to say. "I agree, it still feels like we are 5, going to play at each other's back yard.." Chiara said. You said bye to her since you had to leave and went back to your house. It was already 10 by then.

You ate dinner with your family and took a long shower. Once you were done you went to your room and slipped under the sheets, finding a comfortable position. You decided to post the first Italian pics of the year

 You decided to post the first Italian pics of the year

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❤️ Liked by landonorris and 29383 others

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❤️ Liked by landonorris and 29383 others

y/f/n I hit the bff jackpot for sure

chiarala34 sisters from another mister, you should visit Italy more often

landonorris the prettiest, I miss you!

It was almost midnight when you finally decided to go to sleep. You were sleeping peacefully until your phone started ringing around 3 am. You moved around thinking that it might be your alarm but 9 hours do not pass that fast. You picked it up only to see that it was Lando calling you. "Y/n hi , you finally picked it up.." he said happily "Gosh Lando it's 3 am , what's up my love.." you said as you yawned. "Nothing special darling I just miss you a lot.." he said confidently. "Did I show up in your dreams and inspired you to call me..?" You asked mocking him

"No no, not yet. I can't wait to see you again honey.." he said "Me too my love , but being up at 3 am isn't good for you.." you started saying but he cut you off "I just wanted to remind you that I love you , now I can go back to sleep peacefully. I have been feeling guilty all day.." "Aish okay Lando, good night. I love you too.." you finally said and hanged up. After some time you fell asleep again dreaming of more free time spent in Italy with Lando.

Hello people, this chapter was quite short because yes school is keeping me busy. I believe that Lando is the kind of a boyfriend who would call you at 3 am to remind you that he loves you. Anyways, please vote by clicking the star if you liked the chapter, it helps out a lot. Don't forget to request the plot of your choice

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