Oscar Piastri - Fake pregnancy prank

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It was your first time, not travelling with Oscar for his race. You did miss him and you kept texting and calling him at every chance you got. He was doing the same. He had a decent result in Las Vegas and soon enough both of you would go to Abu Dhabi for his next race. You decided to play a little innocent prank on him.

You got the idea from a YouTuber you like. Her boyfriend had a nice reaction and you hoped that Oscar would react likewise. You bought a test and borrowed baby clothes for a boy, from your aunt. You wanted to prank him during your stay in Abu Dhabi. Some days before you travelled you started pretending that you were dizzy or that you were nauseous. "If you don't feel like coming with me you can always stay here. It's only one race y/n. One race and then I'll spend all my break with you.." he said with a wide smile.

Oscar is not a talkative type of a person. He rarely speaks unless he's asked about something. This changes when he's with you. He feels more comfortable. He feels like he can be himself around you. "It's the last race of the season, I don't wanna miss it.." you said with a sad tone as if you were complaining. "I don't want you to get more sick y/n. Especially during a race weekend. I can't imagine being away from you when you are sick.." he replied with a protective tone.

" I'll be okay Oscar, I promise.." you replied back with a smile. You helped each other pack and some hours later you were already at the airport waiting for your night flight. You spent the night flying to Abu Dhabi. You posted a pic with him with the caption "love is on the air (unironically)" once you finally landed. The hotel was pretty nice and you two had a shared suite.

The next day Oscar was busy with his interviews and the McLaren challenges so you had plenty of time to actually set everything up. You rewatched the YouTube video to remember the steps. First of all you got the test and colored the lines very carefully. It looked real. You sent a picture of it to your best friend just to get a reaction from someone who would expect such a thing.



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Are you pregnant?
no one listens to me

Wah wah calm down
No I am not pregnant
And before you ask
It's for a prank
I wanted to make sure that it looks real

Omg are you pranking Oscar?
There's a high possibility that he will actually believe that it's real
I mean he's a smart guy I can't lie
But no one can actually tell the difference
Good luck with this

Thank you, I'll need it
I can't believe that I am doing it
It actually looks so childish
Should I tell Lando so that he can take part as well
I'll think of it
Anyways I gotta go
I'll be back in a few days, can't wait to see you

You decided to let Lando know about the prank. He absolutely loved it. He immediately asked to be a part of it. You gave him the instructions he needed to hear "Just tell him that you passed by our suite to check up on him and ask him for some info, that I opened the door and that I wasn't feeling well. Also make sure to tell him that I want to announce something to him.." you said confidently. Lando agreed and now everything is meant to go according to plan.

You went back to your suite. You carefully placed the test over some blue rompers on your bed. You went to the bathroom pretending to throw up once again. After about ten minutes Oscar came to the suite. "Y/n are you here? Lando told me that he was here earlier and that you had a conversation. He also said that you wanted to announce something important. Y/n..?" He yelled as he began to walk inside.

"Just a minute, I still don't feel well. I was throwing up earlier.." you said with a muffled voice. You did your best to sound weak and tired. "See? I told you not to come along if you are not feeling well. Did you listen to me? No of course not! Am I right though? Of course I am.." he said. He lowered his voice tone as his view reached the bed. He walked faster in order to get closer.

You heard a gasp. You decided to walk out of the bathroom and finally approach him. "Is this what you wanted to tell me..?" He said holding both the test and the rompers up for you to see. You pretended to shake and started fake crying. He immediately came close to you and hugged you. "Ar-are you m-mad at me?.." you asked in between of your fake sobs. "No, no of course not. It's not your fault. I mean it's no one's fault. But we were supposed to be careful.." he said and rubbed your back trying to comfort you.

"I don't know how it happened. I never forget to take my pill. What are we going to do now Oscar..?" you asked with a trembling voice. "It's okay y/n whatever it is we'll go through it together. But in my opinion it's your body so it's your choice. However I'll take my responsibilities seriously.." he said. You could tell that he was panicking inside. "So since lando was here before he knows doesn't he..?" He asked after some minutes of thinking. You only nodded. " I am gonna ask him for advice then. I am honestly so shocked that I don't know what to else to do.." he added.

He picked up his phone and called Lando. "Hello mate yes, I just found out. What am I supposed to do though..?" he asked "Patience? What do you mean patience Lando? Y/n has to see a doctor. If the test is reliable she has to talk to her gyno.." he added. He was staring at you with a I got you stare. " I can't tell our team principal yet. I don't know how's he going to take it. Anyways I'll hang up you aren't helpful at all.." he said and he came back to you.

"How do you feel right now? Do you want to lie down..?" He asked worriedly " I am okay Oscar I can follow you around, during your interviews today.." you said but continued acting weak. "No no I am not letting you go out on this condition. I'll call my mother for advice. Even better I'll call yours.." he said as he grabbed his phone again. You wanted to keep the prank going but it was already too funny for you.

"No need too honey.." you said "But please, I want to make sure that you'll be okay.." he said with a voice tone which sounded like a little kid trying to convince his parents to buy him more toys. You started laughing. He was just staring at you with questioning look. " Y/n I can't understand what's so funny? Is it bad that I care about you..?" he asked.

"No no it's not that, it's the fact that I finally outsmarted you. The test is fake, this is all a prank.." you managed to say. Oscar changed ten facial expressions trying to process what he just heard. "Lando was also a part of it.." you said and tapped his shoulder lightly. "Y/n I SWEAR TO GOD, YOU SCARED ME SO MUCH. You are lucky that I can't kill you because I love you so much. But this rule does not apply to Lando.." he said.

"No please, he's officially a friend of mine and he helped me set the prank.." you said with an innocent smile on your face. You sat on Oscar's lap and hugged him but he was pouting. "Well we have no baby? We should try making one.." he said and shrugged "OSCAR.." you yelled. "Fine! But you were okay with it, some minutes ago at least.." he replied and scoffed.

Hellooo people, new one shot finally. The lack of creativity was killing me but there you go. Leave a vote and a comment if you liked the story. And don't forget to request the plot of your choice

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