Max Verstappen - Can I waste all your time here in the sidewalk

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You recently broke up with your boyfriend the famous driver Max Verstappen. Being a F1 driver's girlfriend requires a difficult lifestyle which led to a lot of conflicts between you and Max. You still love him a lot and you just kept on thinking that maybe in time things will get better. You were hoping to have the future you imagine when you and him were young.

It was one of these melancholic days that you would go through pics of you two together or check any tiktok/Instagram edits about you two. After some time messages from your best friend, Lando Norris popped up on your phone's screen

Mister no-rizz
Hello y/n are you coming to this weekend's race? I can ask the staff to book you a room as you were a guest of mine. They won't mind , I promise!

People start with hello or how are you, but you are you so what did I expect? I don't know Lando I don't think that I'll be able to attend your race , even if you know how much I'd love to be there

Mister no-rizz
Come on y/n it will be fun! You'll get the advantage of attending all the VIP events with me. Tell me that you are still thinking of Max:/ He doesn't deserve you, you were and still are the best girlfriend to ever exist. Plus you are not coming for him but for me. Think about it as a little vacation

I am not sure Lando, I have the university studies and everything. I don't have time for holidays

Mister no-rizz
I am not convinced! You are coming to the race! I am not taking no as an answer. I'll tell the McLaren staff to book you a nice room!

Lando is just Lando, whenever a dumb thought gets in his head we can't convince him to do the opposite. He's still one of the sweetest people you know and he's been here for me through a lot of tough times. You decided to pack your stuff and go to sleep since tomorrow is apparently a flight day. Thank you so much Lando 🙏

The next morning you woke up early to get ready and walked to the kitchen to get something to eat "I don't know why I am doing this. I don't wanna bump into Max and get a mental breakdown. I am only coming for Lando and I'll just support him then come back home" you thought to yourself and you watched some videos on your phone waiting for Lando's driver to come pick you up.

One hour later , you were already at the airport along with Lando. He was excited to see you and you let him talk about his strategy during his next race and McLaren in general. You two had a nice flight and soon you arrived at Monaco. McLaren staff were waiting to pick you up from the airport and take you to the hotel safely.

Mister no-rizz
Everything okay? Is your hotel room nice?

Yes Lando thank you for checking up on me. The hotel room is pretty nice and well I feel like it's not for one person, this room is huge. Thanks for everything tho! I am pretty tired because of the flight. We can get breakfast together tomorrow! Goodnight Lando ✨

Mister no-rizz
Good to know that everything was okay. Top country secret you got a suite 🤫 goodnight y/n

You left your phone on your nightstand and turned the lights off. You didn't wanna check any F1 news mentioning you in Lando's arrival articles because you dislike journalists and their criticism. Soon after you fell asleep on your queen sized bed.

You woke up because of the light in your room. It was 9 am. "That was a good night's sleep to be honest" you said and smiled changing into a cute outfit and going to the breakfast area. You saw Lando there and you immediately ran to him and sat beside him. You were talking about the race day while sipping on your coffee and smiling.

After some time both of you had to get ready so you said goodbye to all the staff and went back to your hotel room. As you were walking to your room you saw Max at the other side of the corridor but you decided not to pay attention and walked a bit faster. "Y/n is that you?" you heard him say but you were already far away from him and continued walking until you reached your room.

"That was a close call" you thought to yourself and changed clothes. After you were done you walked to the garage and soon after you were beside all the McLaren staff staring at them as they were working.

Lando walked to you and smiled "I have a training sess, you can help yourself to the restaurant if you are feeling hungry. You can ask any of the staff to guide you. Take care y/n and thank you for being here it means a lot to me!" he then left and you decided to walk around the building.

You sat on a bench beside the road which led to the garages and started scrolling down on your phone. Some minutes after you heard a familiar voice ""Y/n it's you right?" Oh shit you looked up and you locked up eyes with Max "Well yeah as you can see , it's me" you said with an ironic tone and decided to look down on your phone again. "It's nice seeing you here! I wanted to apologise once ag-" he managed to say but you cut him off by saying "Are you here to just waste my time?"

He then grabbed your chin making you look up at him and grabbed you by the hand making you stand in front of him. "Can I waste all your time here in the sidewalk, can I stand in your light just for a while?" you didn't even get the chance to say anything because he kissed you. "Things are better now, I want a second chance, will you give it to me?"

Hello people how are y'all? Such a great dilemma, would you give him a second chance? That was the new oneshot for today. Can't wait about tomorrow's Singapore race :)

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