Lando Norris 🌶️ - 2 am

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You are at a club , having fun with your friends. One of them being Carlos Sainz's girlfriend. Yes the famous F1 driver. Friend privileges of course. You love the Italian bars. Making the Italian grand Prix a reason to go on vacation was an amazing idea. You got to meet a lot of people from the grid and also have your best time in Italy. Let's not forget Monza has the best audience.

Your friend Isabelle went to get more drinks and you just sat there waiting for her. Carlos was waiting for her as well as he wanted to keep on flirting with his gorgeous girlfriend. He had brought his friends as well. His teammate Charles Leclerc and his brother Arthur, Oscar Piastri and Lando Norris. You couldn't help but check out Lando every now and then.

He was wearing a pair of black office pants and a black shirt with the last two buttons being unbuttoned. A silver chain was there to take his look to another level. He was making eye contact tho while smiling proudly. He got the chance to stand closer to you when Carlos left the table to go find Isa. "It's quite noisy here , isn't it?" he asked you "I mean it's a club the music is supposed to be loud, plus you are used to loud noises, you are a F1 driver.." you pointed out looking at him

"We could go somewhere quieter , if you feel like it darling.." he said smiling. Did I hear well? He called me darling with that British accent of his , you thought to yourself as you took a sip from your cocktail "Well maybe we could , but later , I don't wanna leave the squad alone.." you said nervously and looked around only to see your friends partying with the rest of the boys. I guess it's a win for everyone you thought to yourself. "I'll go to the bathroom real quick , we can go once I am back.." you said to Lando and he nodded. You quickly walked to the bathroom.

Once you arrived there you smiled "Thanks god nobody's here.." you said and looked at the mirror , grabbing some things from your purse to fix your makeup.  You looked at yourself in the mirror and took a big breath. You can do this y/n. After some minutes you walked out , going back to the table to find Lando. He smiled at you , paid the waitress and grabbed his jacket. "Where are we going anyways.." you said as he held your hand and led you to his car

"Do you trust me..?" he asked and you nodded. He opened the passenger door for you and you sat there putting your seatbelt on. He sat on his seat and started the car. "You don't wanna know anything about me..?" You asked him "I think that I'll be able to find out later, it's part of my surprise.."  he said as he turned to you smiling. "I don't really like surprises or suspense , they make me feel dumb.." you said while sighing "I am not a big fan of them either, but I think that we'll both like this one.." he said smiling.

He was driving for half and hour when suddenly he stopped the car "We are here.." he said and signed you to get out of the car. You took some time for yourself just to scan the place. Must be the suburbs of the town. It's so pretty. He got two beers from the back of his car and showed you the way. "This is my secret spot , for the nights after the races in Monza.." he said "it's so peaceful here and it helps me relax, you know I have been suffering from panic attacks the past few months.." he added as he gave you your beer and sat on a rock. You only nodded and sat beside him while trying your can.

"You know what , agreeing to come here was such a yolo decision, we barely know each other.." you said to break the ice as you turned on your phone to check the time. It was almost 3 am "You walked in my life at 2 am , cause my boy's new girl is your best friend. Act like you didn't see me, we'll play pretend, your eyes already told me what you never said.." he said and looked at you with a smile "And an artist, looks like I'll need a lot of time to get to know you Lando.." your words made him smile and he only came closer , brushing his lips onto yours "You should learn the basics then.." he said before kissing your lips.

You kissed him back wrapping your arms around his neck as he held your waist "I am a visual learner.." you said and he chuckled. You brushed his hair back and pecked his lips multiple times as his hands made their way underneath your dress. "Looks like you'll have a new post race tradition.." "I don't really like changes in my schedule but I'll make an exception for you darling.." he said picked you up walking back to his car.

He pushed the seats back so that you two could have some space. You helped him remove his shirt as he started unzipping your dress. He pulled you onto his lap and you could feel his growing erection. "Fuck Lando, this is so wrong.." you said as you started unzipping his pants "I am always prepared for such situations.." he said chuckling as he opened the passenger seat's folder case to grab a pack of condoms.

He put the condom on and he let you ride him , followed by multiple passionate kisses. It all started with a fast pace but ended up being slow and passionate. You loved every moment and so did he. After you were done he held you closer and you watched the stars together. You helped each other get dressed while smiling and saying random compliments. You felt like a teenage couple. You then made your way back to the hotel together and he let you sleep in his hotel room.

Hello people yes new chapter! A spicy one 🌶️ , I hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter and of course request a plot of your choice

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