George Russel - You make me feel like a winner

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You were at the mercedes garage cheering for your boyfriend during the Qatar race. The race in Qatar is very tough since the temperature is always high and and it drains everybody's energy. You immediately ran to George when the race was done. You congratulated him for his results and kissed his forehead. He seemed a bit upset. He doesn't really like expressing his feelings through words so a hug was enough for you to understand.

"George it's alright, 4th place is still important, you got points for your team.." you said patting his shoulder but he just sighed and said "I am so tired.." "Let's go back to the hotel then.." you said and held his hand. You could notice a slight smile on his face. You both walked to the garage so that you could get his car and drive back to the hotel. Once you got to the hotel you held his hand as if you were teenagers being in love for the first time and walked to the elevator with him.

"George , I just wanted you to know that I am always proud of you no matter what, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Even about the Lewis matter today.." you said and he nodded. You finally got to your room and came up with an idea "Let's have a shared bath shall we.." you asked him and his face lit up a little "I'd like that.." he said and and you ran to the bathroom "Stay there George.." you said as you opened the tap to start filling the tub and added some scented body wash. Once it was filled you went back to George, kissed him and helped him take off his t-shirt.

"Alex Albon is right, you should flex some muscle.." you jokingly said as your hands went through his abs. "You should see my girlfriend.." he said as he picked you up while walking to the bathroom and placed you on the counter. You helped each other undress and got in the tub together. You splashed some water on him and he splashed some back. "Well thank you y/n this is so stress relieving.." he said as he smiled at you and pulled you closer to him.

"Wanna talk to me about Mercedes' future plans.?" you said looking at him curiously and he nodded. You spent the rest of your afternoon listening to him. After you were done with the bath you both got dressed and you insisted on a skincare afternoon. He couldn't say no after all the good treatment and he just let you put a bunch of skincare products on his face. "Will these make me look more handsome..?" He asked as he stared at some face masks "The real question is , can you get more handsome?.." you said and he laughed

"Y/n would you still love me if I was a tree.." he then asked "Yes George, you'd be the prettiest tree.." you replied and smiled at him reassuringly. "Good to know.." he said and took some pics of you two together. "You make me so happy do you know that.." you said as you offered him some more kisses.

You didn't have anything planned for the evening as George had a meeting with Toto but you received a text from him

Georgie 💗
Do you wanna do something tonight

Spill the tea

Georgie 💗
I mean I already dressed fancy for the meeting, so just wear the prettiest dress you own ( I don't think that any dress can be prettier than you but anyways) and I'll pick you up in 30 minutes.

A mystery okay!
I love you

Georgie 💗
Me too y/n <3

You rushed to go get ready because 30 minutes are never enough. But you ended up wearing a beautiful black dress and one of the necklaces George bought for you when you couldn't travel with him for his races. After some time you walked to the reception only to find him there. He had a big smile on his face and immediately ran to you. "You look gorgeous darling.." he said with that British accent of his that you fell in love with and he accompanied you to his car.

He drove all around the city, which looked amazing at night, while listening to music with you. After driving for some time he decided to park the car and look for a restaurant. You were just happy to be with him. You decided that you wanted to eat sushi and you went to a sushi restaurant together "Caviar? Like the queen song?.." he asked and you started singing "Caviar and cigarettes , well versed etiquette. Extraordinarily nice"

He mocked you a little bit "You are my killer queen.." he added "I don't remember murdering anyone but okay then George.." you said as helped yourself with some sushi. George kept on taking pics of you two. Once you were done with the dinner you two decided to walk around the peaceful and quiet parts of the city, remembering your old dates.

You went back at the hotel late at night, so you went to bathroom to remove your makeup and get ready for bed. You came back to George only to see that he posted a sneak peek of your date.

 You came back to George only to see that he posted a sneak peek of your date

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️ liked by lewishamilton & 29377 othersgeorge_russell63 you make me feel like a winner 🏆

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️ liked by lewishamilton & 29377 others
george_russell63 you make me feel like a winner 🏆

Ay hello people, I hope you liked this oneshot. I think that I might prefer romantic oneshots to spicy ones but I am not sure. This was quite shorter than the actual oneshots that I write but I hope you like it <3 make sure to vote if you liked the oneshot and request the plot of your choice

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