Charles Leclerc - fake period prank

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3rd person view

You were out with your best friend Mia discussing about your lives with your boyfriends. You were talking about how overwhelming life can be when you constantly feel like you have to be the ideal girlfriend. She was listening to you patiently and after you were done talking she mentioned that she had the same problem some months ago. She then talked about a prank that she pulled on her boyfriend in order to see if he actually appreciates her

"No way I ain't pranking him.." you said and sighed "He's gonna get mad at me.." "You have nothing to lose honestly , plus you'll have some fun.." Mia said and she smiled innocently at you "Plus I can give you instructions since my prank worked perfectly.."

You sat back on your chair and got lost in your thoughts while sipping some coffee. Will Charles actually get mad if he finds out that it's a prank? After some time you said goodbye to each other. You were finally persuaded to actually prank Charles so you went to the nearest grocery shop to get all the things that you needed.

When you went back home Charles of course wasn't there. He has a train day and you don't really want to to disturb him because you respect his schedule and you know that he always makes time for you no matter what . You made the fake blood kinda quickly and you ran to the first floor in order to change into comfy clothes.

You then went back to the kitchen, took the fake blood and went to the bedroom. You poured some of the it on your sweatpants, on the sheets and you quickly hid all the fake blood evidence. When you were done, you lay on your bed covering yourself with a blanket and pretended to sleep knowing that Charles would be home in a few minutes.

After some time you heard the entrance door opening and him saying happily "Honey I am home.." you smiled a little bit but you wanted to stick to your plan. You heard him calling your name a few times with no answers. After some minutes he got to the bedroom and noticed that you were sleeping  "Oh there you are" he said while sitting beside you and stroking your hair. He then asked " Y/n honey can you wake up for me.."  and shook you softly.

You slowly opened your eyes and rubbed them smiling at his presence. "Oh Charles my bad, I fell asleep because I had these terrible cramps all morning plus an overwhelming headach-" you tried to say but he cut you off "No no don't apologise my love it's fine" he still hadn't moved the blanket so he didn't know what was underneath "How are you feeling now?" He asked and his eyes lit up out of curiosity. "Eh , I think that I have been better to be honest.."

You then moved closer to him trying to hug him while also making the big reveal. "My love I told you to take care and always tell me if something is up- wait y/n what's this on the sheets baby" he said and froze trying to pull you closer to him so that he could examine them with his eyes properly. "Oh , this.." you said and gulped "Well I think I got my period.."

"You think? It looks like a murder scene..!!" He said and looked shocked at your sweatpants as well. "Babe why didn't you tell me , I would have brought you snacks or a gift or something. What should I do now, tell me what do you need-.." he added but you cut him off "Charles my head is still spinning please speak quietly" "Oh yes , I am sorry" he said and got lost in his thoughts for a minute

After some time he came up with a plan. He picked you up and got some clean clothes while walking to the bathroom " take these have a nice warm bath and I'll take care of you.." he said worriedly and placed you on the floor running back to the bed. As you were changing he would ask questions like "do you prefer tea or chamomile" or "m&ms or oreos"

When you went back to the bedroom he had changed the sheets and he had brought snacks and some tea to make you feel better along with some painkillers. "Would you rather something else I can do it, just tell me.." he added but you cut him off with a sweet kiss this time "Everything's perfect just like you baby.." you said and wrapped your hands around his neck as he held your waist

Once again he picked you up with the excuse that you shouldn't overwork yourself and pulled you close to him while turning the TV on. "Do you wanna watch your favourite show or just anything or a movie perhaps.." "No Charles, staying with you like that is the best medicine" you said and smiled resting your head on his chest.

Several hours later you decided to stop lying to him "Charles , I need to tell you something but promise me that you won't get mad at me.." you said and sat up facing him "I'll never be mad at you sweetheart.." he said and stared at you with a confused look "Well the blood and everything, it was all a prank.."  you said and got ready to get yelled at.

However his face changed a lot of expressions before he could form any sentences "W-what how, why?" He looked at you confused and slightly upset. "These past months it was kinda difficult to keep up with everything so that I could be the girlfriend of your dreams.." you said and showed him the fake blood recipe. He just smiled and pulled you closer to him "Y/n you are the most beautiful girl in the world and the best girlfriend I could ever ask for you shouldn't think like that. And if you hate your periods so much give me a chance to stop them for 9 months.." he said and you hit his back while bursting out laughing.

Ayy hello , Leclerc chapter let's go 💗 how's everyone, have you started going to school yet? Don't forget to request any plot for a story after checking the requests chapter of this book:)

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