Charles Leclerc - elevator

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They say that being a celebrity's sibling is quite tough , but having Pierre Gasly as your brother has been easy for you. You just have to show up to events with him and support him from his team's garage. Which is not difficult since you are also very close to his girlfriend and you two are friends. However, you don't get along with everyone tho. Charles Leclerc, one of his closest friends for example. He really isn't your cup of tea when it comes to people.

Your POV

Off to Qatar we go, I am honestly so proud for my brother. He's been working a lot and he has accomplished a lot of things this year. I am honoured to be his sister and to be invited to his races. Today it was qualification day and he did good. He'll have a good position tomorrow. I can't wait to go back to the hotel. Traveling back to back isn't as easy as it seems. Plus the hotels here look better than castles or palaces. I saw my brother coming back to the garage and I ran to him in order to hug him

"Good job Pierre, you did amazing today.." I said happily and smiled at him "Thank you y/n and thank you for being here , I do appreciate it.." he said as he sat on a comfortable chair beside you to get some rest "Can I go back to hotel, if that's okay with you? I know that you might have plans with the rest of drivers and I don't wanna get involved.." "no it's fine y/n go get some rest , you need it. It's date night for us today.." he said and leaned to his girlfriend. I said goodbye and left.

I walked to my car and drove back to the hotel. Yes the fancy palace. I greeted the people at the reception and quickly walked to the elevator. The doors were about to close and but someone stopped them. Probably the last person I'd have guessed. Charles, Charles Leclerc and I will be in the same elevator. For some seconds which will last longer than a century I suppose.

"It's occupied.." I said and he rolled his eyes "This elevator is not private hmm, at least the last time I checked" he said proudly "What a shame.. remind me to call room service to fix this problem.." I said and looked up at him. His blue eyes were scanning my body. "Do you hate me that much..?" he asked and pressed the button for the floor he wanted to go to. "Hate? That's a strong word , don't you think.." I looked at him smiling innocently as we started going upwards.

Suddenly the elevator stopped working. Fuck, I am stuck with him! Fuck they won't be seconds. I look at him shocked. "What are we supposed to do now, I am claustrophobic.." I said and took my phone out of my pocket , trying to see if I could call anybody "No net, fuck it, we'll be stuck here forever.." "Y/n calm down , they'll come get us okay, sit down with me and let's do some breathing exercises together.." he said and sat down patting the floor beside him looking at me worriedly

"And what if they don't notice.." I asked sitting beside him but he hugged me suddenly "Your brother will notice , eventually, who wouldn't worry of his best friend and his sister were nowhere to be found.." he said with a reassuring tone "He will assume that you killed me, and then boom he will stop seeing you.." I jokingly said " You refer to me and him as a married couple, but yeah I am not willing to do that. Instead, may I do this.."

He leaned closer to my face and honestly I never saw that coming so I pushed my head back a little. He noticed and moved back awkwardly. I stared at the floor in front of me trying to forget what just happened "I am sorry for that , Y/n must be honest, do you actually hate me or..?" "It's not hate Charles , you are just the total opposite of me. You are so energetic, silly and noisy. You are also my brother's best friends and you know the love and hate relationship I have with Pier-" "Opposites attract.." he cut me off and before I could even react his lips met mine. His hands reached my wrist and my waist as he pulled me closer to him.

"Charles , what are you doing.." I pulled back again shaking a little. He noticed all the trembling and he got a serious stare "Y/n it's kinda embarrassing to say but I am in love with you. I like the tension we have when we are the same room. I like the fact that you are stubborn , you remind me of your brother. And honestly you can refer to this as masochism but I like the fact that you aren't crazy all over , just like all the girls I ever dated. You are you and your character complete mine. I never told your brother because he'd probably make fun of me. I feel stupid for even telling you. You have more reasons to hate me now.." he started saying

"Charles i-i" "It's fine Y/n , thanks for hearing me out tho.." he said and looked down brushing his hair. I moved closer to him and hugged him "Should I be scared.." he asked and wrapped his arms around me. "I like the tension we have too. It feels like an unofficial competition or something. Maybe we could try something I guess. I don't even know how to start , to be honest I have never been in a relationship before. Pierre makes fun of me for that.." I said awkwardly and his eyes lit up full of joy "Well he might make fun of us but at least we'll be together.." I smiled at him. Damn what a plot twist. I ruffled his hair and looked into his eyes.

It would be lovely if Pale blue eyes by velvet underground was playing as a background music. I leaned over to kiss him taking the lead this time. He kissing me back smiling through our kiss. "Do you wanna sleep at my hotel room tonight..?" He asked me and looked at me softly "Well I think so.." suddenly the elevator started working and soon enough we arrived at the floor we want to go at. We saw Pierre and his girlfriend. They caught us holding hands.

"That was unexpected, but I am happy for you , lovebirds.." Pierre said and he winked at Charles "I was looking for you two everywhere, I was worried. Charles you better take care of her or else I'll kill you.." he added "Slow down cowboy, next time we'll stay there longer.." Charles said sticking his tongue out. I was blushing just a little.

Charles held my hand again and he led me to his hotel room. Well not just a room, he booked a suite for himself. "So you are telling me that you are sleeping here all alone.." I asked scanning all the room and lying down on the bed , admiring the comfort mattress "Well not anymore.." he said as he sat beside me, softly pecking my lips.

NEW ONESHOT EVERYBODY:) This was thealphafemalepr 's request. I hope that you enjoyed it. I also made a new story called "Somebody else" you should definitely check it out:)

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